quebec ufo


Here’s a UFO video that comes from a suburb of Montreal, called LaPrairie. It apparently was filmed sometime during June of this year. It takes more than three minutes before the object is clearly seen. Then it goes in and out of focus. At 6:21, it’s very clear for a couple of seconds. Besides the sighted object, the other anomaly in this film is that the Quebecois family is speaking English. Very convenient for non-French viewers.

The video appears on Unknown Country and was analyzed by a digital film expert, who thought it looked pretty good. The analyst also thought the comments heard were genuine. One possible non-alien explanation is that it might be a model quad helicopter with led lights. The analyst noted that it was visible for an extended period of time and others should have seen it. But there apparently were no other reports or videos of the object.

As usual, we are left to wonder.


Read the original source:


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13 Responses to quebec ufo

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Very, very true, guys!

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Not too sure that what we perceive is dictated in part by what we believe. My youngest son had no interest in or belief in or awareness of the subject of UFOs when he was taken along with me to Warner Robins AFB. At that time, he was too young. But this may be applicable in certain cases. Can’t rule anything out as a possibility.

  3. gypsy says:

    neat video! there’s one place, right before the 6:21 marker where someone [sounds like an older child] says very matter of factly “it’s a ufo” – if it IS a child, how neat is it that he/she is aware and open to the possibility – anyway, to me, there is no doubt that what we perceive is dictated in part by our beliefs of what is possible – an example might be the thing of medical placebos and their impact upon certain patients – the whole thing of belief – the same with ufo’s – i’m just rambling here but…
    thanks for sharing video – i’d not seen it –

  4. lauren raine says:

    Fascinating! What is it? Most Quebequois, by the way, are bi-lingual. It was fun to hear their English interlaced with French-isms.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Sorry….there ARE (not “is”) so (m)any types of aircraft…etc. Floppy fingers today!

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    I don’t think ANY kind of helicopter moves in such a fashion. But then, what do I know!! There is currently so any types of aircraft flying, and so much space junk cluttering up the heavens, that doubt tends to logically creep in and wuestion the genuine sightings.

  7. mathaddict3322 says:

    In my experience, I’ve noted that on occasion a UFO will be seen by perhaps a single person or a very small group of people, and no one else will see the UFO at all who really SHOULD have been able to see it. That has caused me to wonder if such a selective viewing is intentional on the part of whatever intelligence is guiding the object in the sky…..if certain folks are “allowed” to view it while others are somehow blinded from seeing it…..therefore, skepticism and debunking occurs. I realize that sounds preposterous, but who knows? The ETs are certainly experts at doing all kinds of things that we don’t understand.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      There seems to be growing evidence that the UFO experience is both a physical phenomenon and a non-physical one. How else can we explain that possibly millions have had alien abduction experiences, but very few were witnessed? Yet, some abductions involve two or more people and happen when the abductees were awake. It’s definitely a mysterious phenomenon that pushes our sense of reality to the limits.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Perhaps what we perceive is dictated in part by our beliefs about what is possible.

    • I’ve been reading a 1974 book on Uri Geller – beings/intelligence that he contacted supposedly said that they only allow certain people to see what we call UFOs.

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