The Ghost Within

Within the ghost-hunting community, there has been a debate during the past decade about what kind of cameras should be used to document a ghost – a single-lens reflex camera using film vs. digital cameras. Digital cameras supposedly pick up orbs better than film cameras, but is that because the digital cameras are more likely to pick up dust particles? Likewise, ghost photos taken with digital cameras could be enhanced, whereas film negatives document a photo.

The website notes such issues, but recognizes that all kinds of cameras can be used to take ghost photos – from throwaway film cameras to cell phones as well as SLR cameras. But how about the camera that was used in the following – a sonogram camera that seemingly picked up the image of a deceased relative superimposed over the head of the fetus!?

Here’s the story, as presented on ghost

“My name is Charity. In March 2011, I lost my father. We had many discussions about the paranormal and I always thought it was crazy. He proceeded to tell me that after he dies, he will appear to me, somehow, someway. Before he died, my son and his wife had their first child. My dad went to the hospital a couple times to see the baby. She was born in February 2011. Not a month later, he passed.

“She was with her mother at the time of the sonogram and didn’t see anything strange or out of the ordinary. They got in their car to leave and her mother wanted to see the printed out pictures of the new baby. As she took a glance at the picture, she noticed there was a man in the picture. After my daughter-in-law started looking at it, she recognized the man in the photo and said it looked like her husband’s grandfather that passed away.

“After she had called me and told me about this picture, she sent me a copy on my phone. Sure enough, it looks just like my father. I went to their home and seen the original picture, and it is in 3 or 4 of them! I am now a believer.

“I am enclosing one of the sonogram pictures and a picture of my father. Could you please get back with me and tell me I am not crazy. Thank you.”


I was a bit confused when I first looked at the top image. It’s like one of those ink blot images. You can see it one way, or another. But then when I looked at the image below and compared it with the one above, it became much clearer and, yes, it does look somewhat like the deceased grandfather. Strange, but fascinating.


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2 Responses to The Ghost Within

  1. Very strange. Scans can often show up weird things. Many will say that we are wired to see faces – pareidolia. But who’s to say, I feel sure we can be contacted in lots of ways.

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