
Twelve years later, where are we?

Bush and his cronies are history, Saddam Hussein is dead, Iraq is probably still in chaos. Even though we’re told the U.S. is outta there, we’re still in Afghanistan, we may or may not go to war with Syria, the NSA has unprecedented power to spy on Americans…in short we seem to be caught in Orwell’s 1984, which should read 2013. Or 2014.

A dozen years later, we have elected our first Afro-American president, and certain paradigms of thought are gaining a foothold in consensus reality. Paradigms like: we don’t need perpetual war to thrive (the majority of Americans and of the U.S. Congress are against a strike on Syria); we don’t need to be the world cop; we create our reality from the inside out; ET is here; we’re all intuitive/psychic; we are more than our physical selves.

In just a dozen years, our attitudes have shifted dramatically. We seem to be more open to synchronicity, spirit communication, the roles that our animals friends actually play in our lives. In just a dozen years, a paradigm has begun to emerge that we are all connected somewhere within Indra’s net, so that what impacts you also impacts me.

Yes, the Mideast is a powder keg,

Past life researcher and therapist Carol Bowman contends that some of the people who died in the 9-11 attacks are returning with vivid memories of what happened.

Consciousness researchers are taking a deeper look at how energy may function.

In the end, 12 years after 9-11, we seem to be moving ahead in the development of consciousness, but we’re moving at a snail’s pace. I sure hope the pace picks up!

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3 Responses to 9-11

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    I have a question that is probably not relevant to today’s post. Since this morning, there is a building sense of inexplicable “heaviness” in the general energy. Is anyone else feeeling this? I can’t explain it, except that it’s a ‘heaviness’, and it’s getting stronger. It doesn’t seem to be personal. It seems ‘bigger’, more universal than personal. It isn’t a comfortable feeling….

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Each year, on the morning of this date, it all seems like only yesterday…..a recurring nightmare rising out of the blurred chaos of ashes and debris; of bodies falling through flames and smoke from windows….and most poignant, a firefighter carrying the body of a tiny lifeless child in his arms…We will never forget.

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