Zen 666

In an earlier post, The Luck Factor, I mentioned the influence of endorphins contributing to synchronicities. Endorphins are released during extreme exercise, a crisis situation, sex, child-birth, meditation, and challenging creative endeavors. But also intense conversation is another trigger, as in the following story.

One afternoon many years ago, I was involved in a deep conversation about spiritual belief systems and cosmic questions while driving a couple of friends to the Miami airport. One of them, George, was a minister of a New Age/Latter Day Hippie church in Negril, Jamaica. The other, Hanna, was his Norwegian girlfriend, who I’d met in my travels before she’d became involved in the ministry. I was enmeshed in a major life transition at the time – a separation from my first wife – and that contributed to the intensity of the conversation.

I felt somewhat lightheaded, as if I were in an altered state, when I jabbed a finger at the license plate on a passing car. It read: ZEN 665. George blurted, “It would be really remarkable if we saw ZEN 666.”

A few minutes later, while still on the interstate, a yellow sports car passed us with that very license plate. ZEN 666! It was as if the trickster was in the car with us, laughing at our astonishment. We hadn’t been talking about 666—other than George’s off-handed suggestion, but the appearance of that license plate was sensationally significant to the three of us. We asked for it and it had appeared. It was a revelation, as in the source of the infamous number – Revelations.

For months, I told the story of Zen 666 repeatedly. I couldn’t seem to get over it, and wanted others to consider the odds of such an incident happening. Finally, a couple of years later, while driving on a street near home, a red sedan passed me bearing the same combination of letters and numbers. It was a different car, more than fifty miles from where I’d seen it, but the same Zen 666. Another revelation.



One of the readers e-mailed his comment. It’s related to license plates and is another good example of the trickster toying with our awareness. Synchronicity.


I have experienced at least two good license plate coincidences.
First, about 15 years ago, on November 30, I pulled up behind a car
with the license plate “Nov 30.” Second, last Thanksgiving Day
(November 27, 2008), I passed a car with the license plate “Gravie.”
I never saw either license plate before those dates, and I’ve never
seen either one since.

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17 Responses to Zen 666

  1. Toumai says:

    Thought the same thing about you after reading "Running Time" 🙂

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai, your knowledge seems to be encyclopedic. Impressive. I don't know how you keep all this stuff straight. I can barely remember what I had for breakfast!

  3. Toumai says:

    Some call it Germatria.

    And thanks Denis for the lead on Ogam… evidence of an ancient secret society that traces back 4,000 years (time of Moses).

    Robert Graves (who is criticized by scholars)uses etymology to base much of his claims, he proposed that the ogham alphabet encoded a set of beliefs originating in the Middle-east in Stone Age times, concerning the ceremonies surrounding the worship of the Moon-goddess in her various forms. Graves' argument is extremely complex, but in essence he argues that the Hebrews, Greeks and Celts were all influenced by a people originating in the Aegean, called 'the people of the sea' by the Egyptians, who spread out around Europe in the 2nd Millennium BC, taking their religious beliefs with them. At some early stage these teachings were encoded in alphabet form by poets in order to pass on their worship of the goddess in a secret fashion, understandable only to initiates. Eventually, via the druids of Gaul, this knowledge was passed on to the poets of early Ireland and Wales.

    Just recently I did a little goddess research and found out that our word "money" about 1250 was pronounced as "moonay", from Moneta, a cult title of the goddess Juno in whose temple at Rome money was minted. The 'moon' as well as 'money' are obviously associated to the goddess. This fits perfectly with my other research re: fertility cult stone age ancestors and our root language.

    Reminds me too of the Merovingians claim– that they were part fish and man (they, along with Knights Templar are the sect responsible for bringing "Mary" to the forefront … hmmm Mary…maritime… mere(french for mother and sea).

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gematria. Okay, got it now. My bad!
    – Trish

  5. Toumai says:

    The follosing excerpt reveals a little from the Judaic Gematria perspective as opposed to Greek Gematria re: meaning behind 666:

    Hashem's seal has been understood in Judaism for thousands of years and since Creation as the Hebrew letter Sav. In Judaism we regard the Sav which is the Gematria total of Vav {6} plus Vav {6} plus Vav {6} equaling 18 to mean "LIFE". Christians / Messianics regard Hashem's seal with its Gematria construction of Vav {6} plus Vav {6} plus Vav {6} to be "666" which they claim to be "the mark of the Beast."

    More on this topic: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi/noframes/read/5405

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai is like hexagram 48, The Well, an infinite source of etymological information. But Dennis, what is germtria? I googled it and only 7 or 8 references came up. One is from "the 7 thunders of revelation," and another from a site about friends that says, "Well, I met ash randomly at a summer camp and then rang oadhan and we lived together in gematria…so it was fate."

    Clueless in Florida!

  7. Dennis Igou says:

    Toumai, the early language of the Druids was called ogam, using digits on each finger of each hand to transmit different names of types of trees with each tree meaning something significant. The germtria you possess is amazing. This is a fun site for immediate syncros and amazing spirituality. Dennis from Oregon.

  8. gypsywoman says:

    wow! i've been in those situations too – where i'm the ONLY one who seems to notice something – everyone else is going about their business as usual – i keep looking around to see why others are not as shocked as i am – but nothing! – and your story, very interesting, especially in light of the movie you had seen – ok, just one more black cadillac mention – back in the mid-70's my brother bought a 57'-58' black cadillac limo! absolutely divine! one of my favorite things a bunch of us would do was pack a big picnic basket lunch, including wine, pile into the back and my brother would chauffeur us round and about town and country while we had our picnic feast – loved that car! and my brother for chauffeuring us all!

  9. Toumai says:

    It was for you Rob… and indirectly for all of us. The key is with the word “black” (Men in Black … Black Cadilad). The Etymology of black comes from the same root as Old English "blac" meaning “white, bright” (hence “bleach” and “pale”).

    When you understand the ways of our “dual deity” worshipping ancestors, then you realize that black in origin was associated with “clarity” — in the sense of being “black like night”… think about it, the sky is clear at night when it’s the stars that you need to see, as opposed to day light which obscures the heavens. Some things in life require blackness to see. Helen Keller’s blindness enabled her to see things in a different light?

    It is interesting that predating Christianity, “BLACK” Madonna’s were found in profusion throughout remote European villages. From my perspective, "black" is from the root word * Bhagavati (Goddess)as with the words pact, pack, back, pagoda, big, peak, speak and even pig.

    The goddess was associated with night… and we see her represented on many our many flags, ie: star spangled banner and the star on the acadian flag (stella Marie).

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Speaking of big black Caddies, when we saw Men in Black, the first one, such a vehicle pulled up in front of the theater as we were leaving. Trish was in the restroom and missed it.

    I stood in the lobby waiting for her as a huge, hunkering, ugly guy got out of the passenger side and lumbered into the theater. He looked very much like the big ugly lumbering alien (in human skin)from the movie.

    I was still in that post-movie hypnotic state in which there's a blending of realities between the cinematic world and real life, and that guy fit right in.

    The Caddy pulled away, and the big guy walked past me into the theater. I watched for reactions from others in the lobby. But they either didn't see him or didn't think anything of it. It was almost as if I was the only witness.

    I told Trish what she missed as she joined me, and said that maybe it was a promotional gimmick. But it wasn't the opening day and it was in a small suburban theater. Plus, the Caddie left so quickly that only a few people would've seen the Men in Black vehicle.

    My next thought was that it was a fan dressed for the part. Maybe it was. But that guy looked truly deranged, as if he didn't need any costume or makeup. Either way, it fizzled. No one reacted. It was as if the entire scenario happened for me.

    I've never quite figured it out.

  11. Toumai says:

    The pagans (this word by the way is related to pact/peace, back, pack, bag and even Pagoda… all derived from Sanskrit "Bhagavati"– Goddess)became so afraid (think witch hunts) that they fell into step– became Christians. The painful methods that brought this about left a legacy of "fear to change" that passed to the generations of villagers. I was one of these fundamentalist villagers. In my case it took a great deal of pain(endorphins)first with my parents and then with myself, in order to break the cycle. Today I can say that the pain was worth it… but others don't.

    The "inner self/psyche" is working particularly strong in this synchronicity group… connecting our different endeavors. This hidden parallel world has planted little gems in history, in etymology and even in our names and license plates etc., and so clues and connections are being made today … this 'other' world is interact with those who they know will eventually notice.

    Just a little off topic (maybe): Interesting, that the 'g' in "daughter" was once pronounced… sounding like "doctor". Which reminds me… Cathy's orthopedics Doctor's name is pronounced "Dr. Stalker"?! Kinda fits 😉

  12. gypsywoman says:

    yes, it was incredible – and i kept thinking, if only i had a camera – cause no one would believe it! and when that big black cadillac pulled up beside me, i could barely contain myself!!!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great story, gypsy! How literal. I mean, when you think of the odds…incredible.

  14. gypsywoman says:

    neat story, rob – when i read your post, i was instantly reminded of a very similar experience of mine about which i posted on 6/6/9 in my travel journal blog:

    "like blayne in his 1111 and synchronicity blog, yesterday when i awoke i wondered how the 6/6/9 day would go – and interestingly, it followed suit – as i was driving down to the beach about 15 miles from my home, i glanced over at the license tag of the car passing me in the left lane – it's tag had a "222" sequence, then two other cars went by right behind the "222" car – one had a "444" and the other contained "888" – i almost laughed out loud and wondered where the "666" was and how perfect THAT would be – and THEN a black cadillac cruised by – and yes, it's tags had the missing "666" to complete my little numerical cycle –
    222 = 6
    444 = 12 = 3
    888 = 24 = 6
    666 = 18 = 9"

    – which also brings up a response to your endorphins comment above – you know, for me, driving is/has always been one of the things that is very close to meditative – at least, when i'm driving alone on an open road – "it" becomes almost a sanctuary thing – and so, perhaps, my endorphins "rise to the drive" –

    anyway, loved your post!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting post, but as usual you've got my head spinning with the etymological analysis.

    Somewhere I read that 666 was a pagan symbol that was transformed at the onset of Christianity to something diabolical. I haven't been able to confirm that, tho.

    Interesting comment about the villain/village connection. Now it's the other way around. The pagans are in the cities, the fundamentalists are in the villages.

    A few years ago, I was asked to give a talk to a middle school in a small town in central Florida about my young adult novels. When I got there, I was warned by a town commissioner who owned the motel where I was put up that 'We don't like any talk about witches like that Harry Potter stuff…not here in Lake Placid.'

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great info, Toumai. Thanks!

  17. Toumai says:

    The combination itself is interesting “Zen 666”. Zen comes from Sanskrit “dhyana”, meaning “contemplate, enlighten”.

    666 conjures up doom. Recently I mention how 888 (and 333) stalk me. I also mentioned how John Michael Greer’s book on Secret Societies pointed out the Greek gematria of “Jesus” to be 888, but what I didn’t say (afraid of the association… so head in sand) was his mention of 666.

    In a previous post I mentioned the words “guard” and “word” (both related via the word “ward”) are found on page 333 and 888 respectively of Barnhart’s Etymology Book. So I now go to page 666. Just above the 666 is the word “rip” and a connection to the word “rob”… hmm, made me think of you “Rob”. So, I look to the etymology of Robert(from combination of “Hrod”—fame, and “beraht”– bright).

    My take: 666 has become demonized wrongfully … like the word “villain” (from “villager”—because villagers were mostly pagans fleeing persecutions). Note the French "sis" (six)is the prefix of "sister". Since the letter “I” was originally “ekan”, then six was originally more like “secanx”… this is related to “second”-from “sequence” (note suffix – quence… related to Queen and quint— five). The feminine is the "second" half of everything. “Six” begins the count on the “second” hand. This is the tell tale signs of our Ancient ancestors who formulated vocal language and who worshipped a dual male/female deity. Since the “second” half of life is death/doom, it is the realm of the sacred feminine… the feminine part of us which resides now deep within our deep subconscious) is surfacing… trying to enlighten, awaken… warn and guard us.

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