Dreaming the future

Prophetic dreams are a form of synchronicity. We just don’t recognize the synchronicity until the future event arrives. Here’s one such dream from Adele Aldridge. It’s a dream about a very beautiful place that became part of her reality.


I was living with my children in my favorite big Victorian house on a river in Connecticut. I had no intention of moving. The dream was very matter-of-fact with no emotional tone to it and almost hazy in appearance as well as feeling. I didn’t bother to write it down because it did not feel very significant. But the dream kept flashing back into my mind so I acquiesced to it and wrote it down and promptly forgot that I ever had the dream. The dream simply did not relate to anything that was going on in my life at the time.

The dream: I’m standing in a large room overlooking a body of water. The town I’m in looks like Sausalito in California. There is a small beach in front. The man next door owns the beach but he lets me use it. I am alone. I feel very happy there.

Now what in God’s name is that all about? I thought and then forgot it until I read it again five years later. At the time of this dream I was in a happy relationship, loved my life and had no intention of moving, especially so far away as California. Stuff happened. Long story. And I did move to Sausalito. I found an apartment where I could walk down a hill, onto a dock and then into town. I took this walk every day. When a visitor remarked as we walked that I was living in such a nice place I said, “Yes, but where I really would like to live is on this dock.”

The following week there was a for-rent sign in the window of an apartment by the water. I stopped and knew that I had to take a look. I had only been in California for three months and had barely unpacked. When I walked into the apartment my heart started pounding. I told the owner that I had just moved to town and was looking for a friend. I thanked him for showing me the place and left. I got about half way up the street when I ran back and gave him a deposit check. None of these actions were logical considering the circumstances. And so of course when I told my parents and friends that I was moving again, they thought I had lost my mind. I kept saying, “You have to see it!” and other such exclamations which did not translate for them.

At this point in time I did not remember my dream from two and a half years earlier. It wasn’t until I was looking through my journals that I found the dream. I jumped out of my skin, realizing that I was indeed living on the water in Sausalito in the exact place I had dreamed about.

It happened that the man who owned the building also owned a big historic building next door. The building, the view, the place was so specific there was no way I could have known that at the time of the dream. Is that experience synchronicity? I don’t know. Based on other dreams that happened before they were lived, I have to question, not whether they are acausal synchronistic events, but how the psyche lives outside of linear time.

Adele Aldridge

Yoga Babe Cafe

I Ching Meditations

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15 Responses to Dreaming the future

  1. gypsywoman says:

    yes, you're right about lindbergh's not ever having recovered from this child's death, i think – notwithstanding that they went on to have at least two other children, if i remember correctly –

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I recall that story about Lindberg. I don't think she ever recovered from that sorrow. Her poetry reflects it.
    Toumai – interesting to have a precog dream about someone else!

  3. gypsywoman says:

    oh, dear! am i embarrassed – it seems i misspelled ms lindbergh's name above – that's what hurrying will getcha!!! please forgive! 🙂

  4. gypsywoman says:

    i just came across totally by accident this little blurp which, while not prophetic, seems to fit into the discussion here – it is said that after the death of their first son, anne lindburg had a recurring dream about which she wrote in her book hour of gold hour of lead:

    – dreams in which she found herself walking down a suburban street looking at other people's children: "I stopped to see one in a carriage and I thought it was a sweet child, but I was looking for my child in his face. And I realised that I would do that forever. And I went on walking heavy and sad and woke heavy and sad." –

    beautifully poignant –

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great dream, Choices, and congrats on the marriage! What do you think the railroad PJs mean?

  6. Choices says:

    I have had many dreams that have stuck in my brain. Some not so wonderful, but others have been. One very interesting one is that I was moving, to a different state and I had a dream that I saw a man who was wearing railroad P.J.'s. I didn't see the face just what he was wearing. A friend of mine said that a man was waiting for me. Eight years later, I do believe that I have met that man. I just got married to him.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sometimes dreams of houses are symbolic of the unconscious mind, rather than physical structures.

    I dream from time to time of opening a door to a house where I'm living and discovering that there are more rooms in the back part that I've 'forgotten' about. The rooms are furnished and orderly, but uninhabited.

    I don't think that would ever happen in the external world. But in the inner world, there are many rooms, many mansions. We just have to open those doors.

  8. Toumai says:

    On rare occasions I have had dreams like Adele though I think it's my subconscious self/twin picking up on vibes. Some are cryptic dreams and then some are a single quick image that flashes in the middle of a dream and sometimes even during my waking thoughts (a picture that says a thousand words). I take these seriously … as they always turn out to be warnings. Only once was it literal—I dreamt a a particular friend was pregnant… I thought it odd since she was in her late 40’s and I knew that her and husband would not to have children. I bumped into her the next day so I mentioned the dream and she laughed. Shortly after she decided to be tested only to find out that yes, she was pregnant … the early prognosis enabled them to avert a serious genetic complication.

  9. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    Great stories. I have had numerous dreams throughout the years, different cities, different people but same house. I don't know the house in waking life but I always remember that I have dreamed about this house before and feel a strange connection to it. I wonder if I am dreaming about a house in a past life or if it is significant to my future. Lots of possibilities to think about. Love this blog!

  10. Marlene says:

    Yes! Her house, I dreamed of for a long time. Your explaination made very good sense to me. I have read that also ..What I still struggle with is the concept of destiny and ones life lessons we are to learn…Are we given these sneak peaks of our future for a reason? in the scheme of things so we can change them possibly..kindof like a cosmic "heads up" ?? or are they specific views of our set in stone experiences that shape our destiny? I like to think we CAN change some, but some things need to happen specific to our growth.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Marlene – so the house in your dream turned out to be the home of this elderly woman?

    If our psyches live outside of time, then we have access to information in "the future." But even that future isn't set in stone. It's just one of many probabilities. In terms of quantum physics, at least my understanding of it, is that these probabilities are waves rather than particles. Through our intentions, desires, beliefs, we collapse a particular wave and it enters physical existence as a particle and that's what we experience. So, at any point between your dream and the reality of the elderly woman's house, things could have veered in a different direction.

    I'm sure my explanation is way too simplistic and any quantum physicist reading what I just wrote would shudder in horror!
    – Trish

  12. Marlene says:

    wondefful story! I have had some recurring dreams come true..usually I dream recuring small situations that at the time of the dream have no significant message..but I remember clearly and they stay with me… then when it happens the action of the dream I am doing is not the significant part I later find out…but the surrounding situation that lead me there to that perticular action I am doing in that dream had a big lesson or turning point in my life I later realize..one example, I had recuring dream looking desperately for something in a strange very messy house.. which was unknown to me..opening drawers, closets and I was very upset while doing this..I could see the house soo clearly..I had this dream over and over..Well I moved years later here to Cambria next door to a lonely elderly lady which I befreinded and taught me alot. about life , death, and independance..it was her house..I was in there looking for something to help her…and it was a turning point in our friendship..where she was taken from me…Do we know these these details of what will happen to us, because they are already planned by US before we are born????? Is it a pre written script we are enacting…which some of us tap into???Are there actions we can take that can re write these scripts???

  13. Nancy says:

    Very cool story. I have always had the dream that I live in a high rise apartment building in a big city. Hasn't happened, and nothing to think it might. But I've had the dream several times.

  14. gypsywoman says:

    great story! and yes, ray, so do i –

  15. Ray says:

    I like the idea that perhaps the psyche lives outside linear time.


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