The Shield

A fairly common type of synchronicity is thinking or saying a word or phrase, then hearing someone on television say that same thing. For example, recently Trish and I both said ‘ice’ close together, then just a second or two behind us a woman of television said ICE, which in the program was the name of a federal investigative agency.

Nothing too outstanding about that one. But how about when the word in question is ‘synchronicity’? First of all, how often do we hear that word on television? And who would expect a sleazeball like Vic Mackey to say it three or four times, and he actually seems to know what he was talking about.

For the uninitiated, Vic Mackey is a fictional character played by Michael Chiklis for seven seasons in The Shield on FX. We never saw it in ‘real time.’ Cop shows don’t usually interest us. But a friend of ours, a Hollywood writer, told us to rent the first disk from the first season. She said the writing and the story-telling were among the best on television. The first episode was really gritty, and we almost didn’t go any farther. But by the time we’d watched the other episodes on the disk, we were hooked. We went through all seven seasons.

So after we finished watching the final episode of the final season, I turned on the special features, which included cast members talking about the series. We went back to work, and it was playing in the background. Trish was editing one of the chapters of our synchronicity book and I was working on a post for this blog. That’s when I heard Mackey (Chiklis) start talking synchronicity. I nearly fell off my chair.

Looking back over the seven seasons, he said: “There was so much synchronicity happening all the time, so many of these happy accidents.” As one example, he mentioned a director from the first season coming back to direct the last episode. “It was so perfect. So appropriate.”

If you’ve never seen The Shield, the comments probably don’t seem so startling. But if you know Vic Mackey, the idea of hearing him talking about synchronicity as we were working on the subject was totally unexpected, and startling.

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10 Responses to The Shield

  1. Stake says:

    I'm a big fan of Vic Mackey in this show.He is a corrupt police officer.In final season He play very good role.I have seen the shield last episode and realize this is one of good show on screen.I like everything about this show.

  2. Toumai says:

    Interesting angle… thanks!

    Will be interesting to see what Dr. Brunet's (Psychiatrist) report has to say… glad that the Appeal Court Ordered that I be provided with a copy (with original and other copies sealed)… lessens the indignity sting… tho will take awhile for my nose to straighten out


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai, you are better off than I am. No court has ever ruled me sane!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The characters are compelling, Nancy.

  5. Nancy says:

    Hmmm, not watching much with violence lately, but may have to give this series a try. Thanks.

  6. Toumai says:

    Because, Lakeviewer, what is the point of screaming when no one seems to listen or care. Recently I put my freedom of speach (and to scream, to the test) when I appealed a lower court decision that Ordered that I undergo Psychiatric assessment for my views on synchronicity and my hypothesis that we homo Sapien Sapiens are a highly evolved form of perfectly conjoined twins.

    Just last week the Appeal Judges gave their decision… so I guess my screams were heard.. I won, but why did I have to suffer the indignity. this was the decision:

    CA 301593

    – and –

    REASONS FOR JUDGMENT having been delivered this day by
    Bateman, J.A.; Roscoe and Hamilton, JJ.A. concurring;
    IT IS ORDERED THAT leave to appeal is granted;

    AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT the appeal is allowed and
    the order of December 15, 2008, requiring the appellant to submit to a psychiatric
    assessment is set aside;

    AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT upon the Court receiving
    the report of Dr. Aileen Brunet, the Court shall provide a copy to the appellant and
    shall permanently seal the original report and any other copies thereof;

    AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT the respondent shall
    forthwith pay to the appellant the costs of her disbursements of this appeal in the
    amount of $4,000.00.

    DATED at Halifax, Nova Scotia, this day of July, 2009.
    Deputy Registrar

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's a tasty synchronicity!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The universe provided a recipe for a pistachio dessert. How cool is that? It would be great if the universe would get busy on the health reform issue!

  9. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    Isn't that cool. I love it when something like this happens. It seems to happen to me all the time. I was at my friend's house the other day and I told her that I needed to find a good pistachio cake recipe for her as her birthday is the 28th of this month. This morning when I logged into blogspot, the first post on one of the blogs I'm following was for a pistachio dessert.

  10. lakeviewer says:

    Interesting. On your last post, you hit a good stride. How is it that we don't scream louder?

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