Kundalini Energy

During the two decades that I’ve been involved in yoga, I’ve heard from time to time about the supposed dangers of Kundalini energy. During intense yoga or deep meditations, a dormant energy—mythically, a serpent goddess coiled three and a half times around the first chakra, or root chakra– might be awakened. The energy rises and opens the chakras and the results can be dramatic – the body vibrates out of control, enters spontaneous out-of-body or near-death experiences. In other word, the release of Kundalini energy can bring out states of consciousness that are out of this world.

I’ve never thought too much about it, especially since it never happened to me and I’ve  never known anyone who has experienced the release of that powerful energy. In other words, it seemed that there was a greater chance of a meteorite crashing through the roof during a yoga class than experiencing a sponteous release of Kundalini energy.

But recently that changed.

A couple of weeks ago, Trish came home and mentioned that she saw an emergency medical vehicle arriving at the gym when she left, but she didn’t know what happened. A few days later, another yoga teacher told me that during a brief meditation at the end of her yoga class one of her students began to breathe rapidly, then her body started to shake. The teacher went over to see what was going on, but the woman didn’t respond. She grabbed her cell phone and called 911.

When the EMS team arrived, the woman was no longer shaking. She was breathing, but still wasn’t responding. Now here’s the synchronicity. The lead rescue worker was  a yogi. He was able to bring her out of it. She was examined at a hospital and all the readings were normal. She has never suffered from convulsions of any sort and is in good health.

When she was asked what happened, she said she felt a powerful energy moving through her body and she suddenly found herself outside her body surrounded by an orange ball of light. She was aware of people around her body, but she didn’t want to go back.

Interestingly, orange is associated with the second chakra, which is related to fertility, creativity, sexual energy. It occurred to me that the release of this energy might be related to sexual abuse as a child. I mentioned that to the yoga teacher as a possibility and also sent her a link to a couple of web sites about kundalini energy.

A couple of days later she told me that she’d passed on that information. The woman found the web sites helpful. When I asked about my hunch, the yoga teacher replied, “She said it might be true, but not this life.”

Now that’s a strange idea: a dramatic incident from a past life generates the spontaneous release of kundalini energy during a short meditation in another life. Well, if we’re all connected with each other as a part of Indra’s Net, then it makes sense that each of us is connected with our past lives…and maybe future ones as well.

The woman seems to be undergoing some profound changes physically, mentally, and spiritually. She returned to the yoga class for the next session and nothing unusual happened – at least nothing noticeable. When she was asked how it went, she said she felt as if she were sinking through the floor into the earth during the meditation. But she remained in control and was able to come back at the end.

She plans to see a Reiki therapist, who hopefully will help her explore her meditations while staying in control.



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33 Responses to Kundalini Energy

  1. Natalie says:

    Well, now that you mention it……………………………..
    It was just before my first marriage ended. Hmmm……

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Nats, according to many of the oldest and most respected researchers in the metaphysical genre, psychic energy and sexual energy originate from the same source. This being the possible/probable case, I know several genuine psychic individuals who often practice celibacy for a period of time prior to performing critical psychic workings, as a means of enhancing the powerful psychic energies. Personal experience seems to indicate that this is true. Those who have studied and followed tantric sexuality practices are aware of the connection, which is profound. Celibate Tibetan monks have abilities that are astonishing and that seem humanly impossible, yet they are real. Intriguing.

  3. Natalie says:

    ME TOO! It is a whirling dervish for sure.

  4. Natalie says:

    I had a Kundalini awakening in 2001 also while giving a healing at a local Spiritualist Church. It was a massive experience and I shot out of my body with the force of it. It was extremely sexual also, even though there were no sexual feelings towards the healee.(it’s a word now. ) It also catapulted me out of my marriage and into reading work.
    Also, on Tuesday and Wednesday night while in trance, I started bobbing and an incredible warmth came up through my mid spine and out through my shoulders. The being / energy was very big ,and filled the room with it’s presence. I have not had time to connect and write about my week, as there is so much going on. Haylie broke both bones in her arm yesterday as well.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    Cousin, have you protected yourself? You may have some kind of psychic umbilical with this person and are empathetically picking up the experiences through the ether. Put your guardians in place! Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Spirit! Bring ’em in and put yourself in the middle! Nothing can break through that barrier. Hugs….

    • friend of nica says:

      again, when i first came here while ago, the same experience – except more pronounced than the others – i had barely begun reading comments when it began – this time, seeming to start more in the mid-lower section of my body with dramatic/intense upsurges up my back and into my head – very very intense “rushes” – i closed my eyes and it became more intense [per rob’s “go with the flow”] – there were about 3 separate “surges/rushes” which ended only when i left the site – diverted my attention – now my face feels extremely “flushed” and is warm to the touch, literally –

      • R and T says:

        Weird! What could be going on with THAT?

      • R and T says:

        Wow, that’s strange. Maybe Connie is right and you’ve got some connection with that woman, definitely with her experience. It could be that just reading about the Kundalini effect triggers a release of the energy for you. It’s not necessarily a bad experience, if you can control it. But you might want to put that protective shield around you during any such experiences. – R

        • friend of nica says:

          thanks rob, trish, cj – i think it all does have to do with some connection with this particular woman and/or her experience because i’ve read kundalini articles before and have never experienced this just from reading of it – there was a scant moment in the first of the last 3 surges when i was not sure i “could” control it – it was that intense – now to work more on the protective shield – thank you all for your comments and suggestions –

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Doesn’t have the sound of a psychic attack, imo. Could be. However, when doing any kind of spiritual workings or exercises I ALWAYS do as you suggested and saturate myself, every cell and atom and molecule of all of my bodies, with gold-white light of protection, stating that only those entities and energies and beings who are within light and love can connect with me or touch me or my space in any manner. Better safe than sorry when we are opening ourselves during such workings, and bringing in the light through the crown and visualizing it washing down throughout the entire body, inside and out, is highly effective.

  7. R and T says:

    This afternoon I heard directly from the woman who had this experience. She appreciated the Kundalini info, and also said that she has an uncle in France, an energy worker, who suggested that she might be under psychic attack. I told that as a precaution against any such attack, either from a living person or a non-physical entity, she should surround herself with a bubble of white light as she goes into meditation and say to herself that she will only have positive and beneficial experiences.

  8. mathaddict3322 says:

    Brian is a jewel. I have met him as well. IMO his books are much better than his speaking, but both are life-altering. He’s a wonderful man. Regarding the “shaking”, I have occasionally witnessed this when a genuine medium is in an altered state of consciousness and a discarnate entity enters that medium’s physical body, (with premission), and briefly uses it to manifest voice or other control. I also know a natural healer who presents such shaking when she initially enters an altered state to perform healings; healings which are beyond phenomenal. These types of shakings are involuntarily. The best actor in the world would not be able to move his or her body intentionally in such a manner. It can be unnerving, but is also extremely empowering and enlightening.

  9. Nancy says:

    T & R – All of the time! The world I see today has absolutely no relation to the one I saw even ten years ago, and I have always been interested in spiritual issues. I sometimes wonder if it is just me – maybe I’m just weird. Luckily, I have met many others through the blog world that understand more than I do.

  10. Nancy says:

    I had something similar happen a few months ago. I was watching something on my computer that had flashing scenes of war images. I whispered “No More War!” to myself when an electrical surge came up one leg from the bottom to the top. It was not like the tingles you get when something gives you the “shivers.” It was very strong and powerful. Electrical. I wonder if we are somehow programed to reach some stage of development, and then things begin to wake up, and as Mike mentioned the body acts much like machinery and begins to open up.

    I have two more books to put on my Amazon list – thanks Debra & Mike.

  11. Nicole says:

    Very interesting indeed. I often wondered if experiencing Kundalini would be a good thing or a bad thing. It sounds like it might be a little bit of both. I myself have never experienced anything like that. I have recently started attending a meditation class which meets every Wednesday night. I really enjoy it, and was rather surprised, as I too frequently experience something similar to what Jen talked about, and thought for sure that being in a deeply relaxed state may trigger it – since it does here at home, yet I have felt nothing other than that detached, floating above it all type of feeling, which I have enjoyed.

    In May I am seeing a man named Brian Weiss. He has written a few books on past lives (most popular Many Lives, Many Masters) and how previous traumas tend to influence present lives through illness and phobias and reoccurring behaviors or reactions and the such.

    Under hypnosis his clients are able to recall their past lives and sometimes their particular experience that created the present day feeling. He noticed that once the client recalls the traumatic event or identifies their past existences they are able to see a pattern and are then able to connect old issues with current behaviors and are therefore able to work on changing it; thus clearing their Karma. They are able to release the pain or affliction they have been unknowingly carrying around with them and finally be free from it. Sounds like the deep meditation may have been bringing forth, as she said, “not in this life,” issues for her.

    Reiki would be helpful for sure in allowing those emotions to surface, but I wonder as to what she might experience during a past-life-regression session.

    • R and T says:

      Nicole – you’ll really enjoy brian weiss. He’s a powerful speaker. I met him some years back through my friend, Carol Bowman (Children’s Past Lives , when they were speaking at the same conference. Many Lives, Many Masters really changed the landscape of past livfe literature, as did
      Carol’s book. Be sure to tell us all about it!

  12. Jen says:

    This is so interesting! Thanks to Debra I have become super-interested in Kundalini energy. I have had many of the symptoms that this lady experienced while in meditation, but I chalked them up to being in a hypnagogic state in which these things also tend to happen. One thing about hypnagogia, for me anyway, it tends to occur while all my would-be witnesses are asleep, so I have no idea if I am actually shaking, or if I just FEEL like I am. I find it really interesting that this woman was seen actually shaking/paralyzed.

  13. I love the word “kundalini.” For several years, I have thought about the day when I will have a golden retriever, which I will name “Kundalini” (or “Kunda” for short).

    Interesting experience this lady had. I think I had one in August 2001, though it was not out of body. It was euphoric bliss for two weeks with a knowledge about how my current life matched my past life karma. It was a great experience.

  14. In Ernest Wood’s classic Yoga book he writes how after Kundalini has returned to her home: “The machinery of the body now flowers, as it were, into new beauty and power on account of its new dedication to the service of the spiritual will … every function is sanctified and enhanced by the new service.” It would be interesting to see how this woman develops from now on.

  15. D Page says:

    Kundalini is a fascinating subject. In the Vedas, Natha Yoga lineages, Tibetan Buddhism, etc., there is a long history of working with & documenting the effects of this energy. It lays latent at the base of the spine, and uncoils upward through the top of the head. As it does so, it removes “knots” in the subtle body linked to karma (past lives included). The symptoms are vast and varied, but paralysis is one of them.
    One of the best books for Westerners on the subject is “The Energies of Transformation” by Bonnie Greenwell.

  16. friend of nica says:

    ok, i’m going to describe what happened to me as i read this – i had at first thought that i would not put it here, but send an email to trish and rob – as i got to the part describing what this woman experienced, i felt a “mad coursing/rushing” [don’t know how to describe it and these words seem to fit closest to the feeling] of “something” [???] starting at my feet up through my entire body out into both arms into my head and ears even and through the top of my head – it was highly “physical” – i mean, i could “feel” “it”, whatever “it” was – to test that it had really happened i re-read the post two more times and each time i got to that section, it happened again – now, perhaps it was all just my own hyper-suggestive response – all i know is that i had an extreme reaction to just reading these words – and i don’t think i will read them again – geeeee…….something like that and it’s only 9:30 in the morning, for goodness sake! how weird the whole thing was! ok, that was it – just very bizarre –

    otherwise, what an incredible story – and so neat the synchro that the medic was a yogi! great post!

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