Saved by…?

Take a look and draw your own conclusions!

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7 Responses to Saved by…?

  1. Laurence Zankowski says:


    The one question un answered was, electric windows? Which leads actually to another question. When mud like that rushes in, was the car interior filled with dirt/ mud? The weep holes on a car are on the bottom so debris would be minimal. That would be the clue. Still muddy interior but no debris. Other wise window went down and came back up and if the debris if larger than a marble is found inside that is what happened. But who pushed the button is is another matter.

    And before anyone goes nuts on me. The firewall plugs would be pushed out and debris could get in that way. But we are missing the story of the interior images…

    Too many years under a lift at auto dealerships…of all makes and kinds.

    Be well


  2. Very straaaange! I wonder if she has been interviewed about what happened when she was locked inside and then suddenly not.

  3. gypsy says:

    cold chills hearing about the window being shut when the car was pulled out – and yes…as the man kept repeating…something happened…something…

    and perhaps it matters not what that something was…”it” happened…

    great post!

  4. She was meant to live – as for the window a real mystery.

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