Financial synchros

Here’s an interesting financial-related double synchronicity. It starts with Jane Clifford in her cottage in Wales burning banking statements in her log stove. The reason she was doing that was that she had opted to go on-line with banking where the statements are accessible for up to 12 years.

However, not long after that she needed to produce some banking statements, including one from April 2012 that she needed as evidence in a matter that could bring her at least £10, 000.

But now that the statements were on-line, she had a problem. She didn’t have a printer that was compatible with her laptop or one that would work with her iPad.  So she drove to a friend’s house with the laptop, downloaded and printed out the statements. However, it was only afterwards that she discovered she still needed the April 2012 statement.

So she went to the local post office, anxious to finish this time-consuming bureaucratic mess. But the computer there wouldn’t let her access her bank account. Now she was getting angry and frustrated that she had to produce the statements at all, and the feeling persisted.

That night she asked ‘upstairs’ for help in sorting out the matter in such a way that wouldn’t require her to drive to her friend’s place again…and she needed the sorting quickly.

She was still feeling grumpy over the matter the next morning and even grumpier that she had allowed the matter to irritate her. So she sat and meditated and asked her ego to take a back seat. After that she went to light her log stove and in the drawer where she kept old papers to light the fire was the exact bank statement she needed!

“I call that a Miracle!,” Jane wrote. “How come it wasn’t burned with the rest? I was dancing about the house saying, ‘Thank you, thank you, afterwards.’”

That was a good financial synchro, but as I read Jane’s e-mail I could hardly believe what I was reading. I had just finished editing a parallel financial synchro story that I’d written the night before as part of a proposal I’m putting together for a meditation book.

The story involved a woman who had discovered that someone had stolen money from two checking accounts over a two-week period. I wrote that she was ‘frustrated and angry,’ the very phrase that Jane had used in her story. Like Jane, the woman meditated about the matter, asking why this was happening to her.

That’s when she realized that she needed to change the way she dealt with her finances. She often paid credit cards late so they had high interest rates and as a result she had a low credit rating and couldn’t get a car loan. As soon as she reorganized her finances, combining credit card accounts and cutting up extra cards, she got calls from both banks saying that they were reimbursing her lost money! It was covered by insurance.

So, like Jane, she’d taken time to meditate and in both cases synchronicities had resulted. Meanwhile, I’m writing a book on meditation and two stories about meditation and finances came my way within two days.

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10 Responses to Financial synchros

  1. What a great story – wonder if leaving the statement in that drawer was pre-planned by … well, whatever.

  2. Darren B says:

    On the subject of financial-related synchronicity,I landed a full-time Mon to Fri job and start tomorrow.This job just seems too good to be true. Relatively close to where I live,small family type business,with no night or weekend work.
    Just the type of job I wanted to have.
    Just as Christmas was looking bleak for me,it now seems to have come early.

  3. Nancy says:

    Great story.

    The other day I was looking at a clock in my house that had not been turned back to reflect the daylight savings time change. I remember thinking the dog could tell time (ha) because the clock said it was time for her dinner, but the time had changed and she had an hour to wait. I remember thinking I would ask my husband to change the clock the next day when he would be home all day. The clock is difficult to adjust – it is ceramic and has to be carefully removed from the wall, then it has a small nut that has to turn the hands clockwise for 11 hours to finally find the right time. You cannot touch the hands themselves, etc., etc. My husband hates to do it each time, and I often have to ask more than once. However, I got up the next morning and the clock was changed! I thanked him for changing the clock, without even being asked. He swore he did not change the clock! He still thinks I changed it – but I really don’t know how to change it and wouldn’t have attempted it by myself. The clock was telling the correct time – to the minute.

    That Sunday we were cruising some art galleries for pictures of Lake Tahoe for our bedroom. We didn’t find anything we liked and headed home. The next night my husband came home with a gift bag. In it was a picture of Lake Tahoe that could be framed. He had WON it at the restaurant he was eating at – that just HAPPENED to have some kind of drawing! He hardly ever eats at this restaurant – and I have never known it to have a “drawing” that is extended to customers.

    What is going on? Are things manifesting almost instantly? Has the lag time between thoughts and manifestation grown shorter? I think it is time to make sure we are monitoring our thoughts!

  4. Good story! I have mini synchros happen like that all the time – writing or musing on something I am working on and then I see something similar on line as if someone were listening in to my brain.

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