Crystal Skull

When Rob wrote his first novel, Crystal Skull, which involved the reunion of two ancient crystal skulls, he stumbled across an obscure organization called, the International Society of Crystal Skulls.

After writing them, he received a newsletter which featured an article about the upcoming reunion of two crystal skulls. Rob wrote to the owner of one of the crystal skulls, who lived in Houston, just before leaving for a trip to San Francisco.

En route he was stuck for hours in the Houston airport and upon returning was stuck again and forced to stay overnight.When he finally arrived home, a note had arrived from Joanne Parks, inviting him to Houston to see Max, her crystal skull.

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9 Responses to Crystal Skull

  1. Toumai says:

    It just occurred to me after posting on my blog that the News Radio host who interviewed me re: my Insurance nightmare (the only media to cover my story) is named ANDREW CRYSTAL

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    As usual, Toumai, great info! Thanks…

  3. Toumai says:

    Wiki reports that crystal skulls did not originate in Pre Columbian Mesoamerica culture but from 19th century artisans. However, this ancient culture did perform trepanation (cutting circular hole from the skull) and skull manipulation. As well, archaeological evidence reveals that Neolithic peoples as well performed trepanation.

    Perhaps there is still a synchronicity (our collective unconsciousness… or … inner twin at play). So let`s look at the words "Crystal Skull".

    Etymology reveals that today`s word 'skull' was also used for the word 'cup' in ancient times. These being related to 'shell', 'shield' and 'scale' via Old English root 'scealu'. Even the word 'shoulder' (from *skuldro) is related. Now interesting is the related word 'skill' (from *skaljo- divide… difference… distinguish) and 'sculpt' (to carve out).

    Note the Old English word for yellow and gold –'geolu' similarity to Old English 'scealu'– shell, scale… and note how geolu is similar in sound to `jelly` (from `gelu`—frost) and 'glue' (from PIE root * gleit—to glue, paste, plaster). The interesting thing about glue or shellac is that it turns from 'crystal' clear to a deeper yellow, gold, and crimson/scarlet as it hardens with age.

    Keep in mind that another name for skull is 'cranium'.

    Now, for the other word 'crystal' (from PIE root *kru- hard outer surface) is related to the word 'hard'(from PIE * Kratus—power, strength)… this is also related to 'crust' (from kryos – ice, crust)… also 'curd' (from PIE * gruet—to press, coagulate). This is in turn related to the word `heart` (Kreiz– middle), hearth (Ker- glow, burn), hard, hurt (original meaning—to collide… `cram`… hence hurl and hurtle). The word `cram` (from *Krem; crammian, meaning to `press something into something else`… hence 'cream' , 'chrysalis' and 'Christ'… and which brings us full circle to 'Crystal').

    Our ancient words—vocal language which date back to Neolithic ancestors around 45,000 years ago… people who lived on permafrost land were 'pressing' out clear a 'glue' like substance in the 'middle' of a mold using force and heat until cured to form a hollow cup … or a 'rystal skull'/ shield. The only shield that would warrant these ancestors seeking out a `clear` glue properties (that would turn yellow then gold with age) would be for the purpose of making a clear arching, skull shaped ceiling and roof—for much needed sunlight and insulation to survive the glaciated north.

    The root language and root culture of human kind… revealed (in part at least)… the question now is how… WHY?

  4. Gemel says:

    I always find that the energy of crystal skulls is ancient and powerful, a blessing to encounter….

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yes, go to, and put crop circles in the search window. There's a long list of recent ones. Also,

  6. Nancy says:

    Wow, do you have a website we can visit on crop circles? I haven't heard much about them for a while.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Synchronicities just seem to happen to us. But I'm trying to 'program' one now related to crop circles.

    If you've been following this year's 'crop' of circles, they are just sensational. If anonymous people are making these in the middle of the night with boards and ropes, they are phenomenal artists. But hard to believe, if you've seen the photos.

    So, specifically, I'm attempting to connect my world with the crop circle phenomenon. My novel, Double Heart, involves the appearance of a crop circle in a very unusual location. The manuscript is with a publisher right now, and if I get a sale this summer, that will be my crop circle synchronicity.

  8. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    I love everybody's stories. Hearing them makes me feel very excited and I want to become more aware of the things happening in my environment.

  9. Erika C. says:

    Somehow this reminded me of a strange thing that happened to me. I had a pivotal dream about turtles under a murky pond and after that, turtles became important in my life. I drew them, painted them and wrote and illustrated or at least started to, a children's story about the dream.

    I had the idea to call it "The Turtles of Chelonia." One day I was at a science center and I saw that turtles are from the phylum (not sure if this is the correct scientific term) Chelonia and I was blown away! How could I have come up with that name without knowing it? Maybe I had learned it at one point without realizing. This was one of the most amazing synchronicities I have experienced.

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