Synchronicity in motion

They call it murmuration. It begins about 30 seconds into the video and it’s astonishing. It’s truly an example of a collective self in action.



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14 Responses to Synchronicity in motion

  1. Sheila Joshi says:

    Trish and Rob – I discovered your blog through a blogroll, and I’ve really been enjoying slowly reading through the archives. Your blog has such a cozy feel. What with your regular commenters, it’s like being part of a warm family. And I’ve learned tons!

    Here’s a sad, but intriguing synchro story from my local newspaper today – four members of the same family involved in three different accidents of the same exact type at two different intersections on the same road — within seven months. It’s as though they volunteered to bring the issue of crosswalk safety to the forefront!

  2. Awesome sight, the patterns and shapes the starlings weave – and all without bumping into each other!

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