Bearly yoga

We’ve been waiting for a chance to post this little bear photo for some time. It seems appropriate after the little ditty about Simba the cat. Keeping in line with the Simba post, we should ask: Do little bears normally do yoga postures? If so, how often do they do it in someone’s backyard and pose for a neighbor’s camera?

That’s what happened to photographer Fay Atwater. She gave the photo to our friend Nancy McMoneagle, who sent it to us. The little bear was posing on Nancy’s back porch outside of Charlottesville, VA. They have a couple bears living in the woods behind their house. They live in a magical area not far from the Monroe Institute. Nancy is the stepdaughter of Robert Monroe, author of Journeys Out of Body. Her husband, Joe, was a member of the Stargate remote viewers (or psychics) who worked for the Army and CIA during the 80s to the early 90s.

When we visited them several years ago, we took a number of photos of their beautiful property. When we brought the photos up on our computers, two of them showed a misty effect. One is of a Buddha statue, the other of the forest where the bears live. Ghosts? In the photo of the woods, you can see what looks like three tall ghostly figures at the edge of the forest. None of the other photos taken there that day showed the same effect, and there was no visible mist.

The yoga bear isn’t really a synchronicity, but it’s a cute photo. And the other two pictures are puzzling. Is is possible to capture spirits on digital cameras?
Jim Banholzer has had more time than anyone else here to study the two misty photos and below he gives his personal interpretation. For some spooky reason, when I changed the color of Jim’s comments, it wouldn’t go up. So you need to highlight it. Somehow, that’s sort of fitting.


Okay, now it’s legible. But it took some fiddling!

After seeing the photos from the McMoneagle’s property posted on your blog, I went back to January 2007 and reread my original interpretation:

“This second (now first) photo is very Lords of Ringish. There is a very wise man in the forest. He is a second sniffer for the primary spirit. The primary spirit contains double anguishes. The first wise man is an Elder Statesman, with lion-like qualities and he is an owl. His beard looks like the United States with more enlightened parts of the country swelling larger. Another man there is another owl (night-eagle). MON-EAGLE – Midnight Over Noon eagle?”

Looking at this a second time, I saw two more men on the left of the elder statesman. Now a wolverine demon towards the right center. In addition, a twenty-two foot tall man –reminds me of Lawrence Ferlinghetti, donning a large green acorn cap.

Also reminds me of my repeated childhood dreams of flying outward from our Towering Oak Tree on Columbus Street, starting in 1966. Only a few weeks ago did I ever consider that I was turning into a bird at night, seeing brighter clarity in the dark. In addition, I only recently learned that owls have the disability of not being able to move their eyes. Gives them the ability to think ahead more, before they crane their necks.

There is another spiritman behind the two most powerful; I’m not sure who he is, near him a possible alien with Spiderman like eyes. One man standing at the front edge of the forests dons a long dark robe. He has a green head and is spraying some contagion. A larger face overlapping that one is saucer-like, levitating sideways. This one looks to be expelling some type of exhaust into the ether. Two logs at the edge of the wavy forest floor attract spirits to this off beam sphere. Humans like us have had extensive tranquil visits upon these same seats.

A face towards the left of the photo seems to be feline-like, but has some wolf in it too. The blue smokespirit towards the middle right, looks like he could be pointing a finger down at you, using the same tree a Ring-Wraith is holding. I just started hearing Jim Morrison’s song in my head about Texas Radio and the Big Beat.

The clay face about thirteen feet off the forest floor is expelling some steam from its mouth. Its head looks like a sound machine, and a hand vise grip –or anvil –or TV or computer monitor. Maybe, it’s shouting for me to buy that Annotated Thoreau book, and get off the computer.Iron man is in a tree thirty feet up, left of center. He is from a war. Could be from years ago. His iron has rusted through to a point that he now sees that there is much uncertainly in being a civilized iron-man. Much more disturbing than what they pledged him to believe in boot camp. He is just beginning to realize –maybe a little too late, that it is even more disturbing to not be greatly troubled by man’s inhumanity to man, perpetually losing battles. I believe there is much more, but that is the gist of it for today

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4 Responses to Bearly yoga

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy, the second book will make a good gift for someone. It's very readable.

    Tommy, that's funny, and sort of strange. Two animals linked to the word: Bearly.

  2. tommy says:

    Interesting synchronicity – My dog's name is "Bearly". 🙂

  3. Nancy says:

    Whoops, Monroe's book was "Journeys out of Body".

  4. Nancy says:

    That little bear is so sweet! I looked up the Monroe Institute and have it bookmarked, I also ordered his book "Out of Body". For some reason it is sending me two, when I know I only ordered one. I guess someone else is in need of the second.

    Some day I would like to take a course at the Monroe Institute. Those pictures are fascinating!

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