Born Again: A Hans Holzer Synchro

Hans Holzer was a psychic researcher and author. I remember reading his books when I was in my teens, and one in particular stands out in memory. I think it was called Psychic Photography. He wrote more than a 100 books on the paranormal and died in 2009.

This evening, we received an email from David Wilson at Crossroad Press about a dream his wife had about Hans Holzer. It’s a great example of synchronicity and clairvoyance or precognition. Here’s how David’s wife, Trish, described it:


 So, I’m sitting here at my computer, legs curled up to my side, trying to decide what to do next when I just…go to sleep. Sitting up. And I had this dream and in the dream, we were living in our 100-year-old house. I’m sitting in our old den and David comes home.

 He walks in the room, mail in hand, and tosses a manila envelope in my lap. It has no return address and when I open it, it’s empty. Weird. So, at that moment, a book from the bookshelf immediately behind my right shoulder just slides out and onto the floor. I pick it up. It’s Born Again by Hans Holzer. I have that book and have read it twice.

David and I look at each other and laugh and I tell him how weird that was. And I tell him it wasn’t weird. It would be weird if ALL the books came off the shelf. There’s a noise behind me but I never see what happens because I suddenly start to feel like I’m falling out of the chair and I wake up VERY suddenly, because I’m falling out of the chair.  

 So, I shake it off and start thinking about all the Holzer books I used to have and the ones I could never find. I go to Amazon to look for some of them, hopefully on Kindle…but there are only three.

I called David and told him he needed to get in touch with Mr. Holzer’s estate to see if we can e-pub the rest of the books, especially the older stuff. I really want to read them and all the used copies are beaten up.

One that I bought was missing ten pages from the middle. I cannot be the only person who read those books and learned from them, or who still wants to read them. All the work he did on them, all his brilliant research just can’t die. I’ve been reading Holzer’s books since I was a kid and I can’t believe I never thought to go back and look for the rest until now. If his daughter lets us publish them, I want to proof them all myself so I can read them.


As a result of his wife’s dream, David got in touch with Holzer’s daughter and will be talking to her today. As I was writing this up, I realized there’s a deeper layer to this synchro. In Trish’s dream, the book that fell off the shelf was Born Again, which is exactly what will happen to Holzer’s books if his daughter allows Crossroad to publish them.

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13 Responses to Born Again: A Hans Holzer Synchro

  1. Shadow says:

    Seems to me it’s meant to be. Can’t say I know this author, got some investigating to do…

  2. Jane says:

    LOVE It ! Reminds me of when my healer was waiting for an e mail from me & Bruce Liptons Biologynof Belief fell,off her book shelf,moments later my e mail arrived recommending it!

  3. Nancy says:

    Interesting! I have been working on a chapter on reincarnation – and have all the usual books in my library – Moody, Kubler-Ross, Carol Bowman, etc., but have never heard of this man. I almost feel like it’s a synchronicity that you’ve posted this right now. I’ll see if Amazon has this particular book. Thanks.

  4. Momwithwings says:

    I read a few of his books. They were fascinating.

  5. natalie says:

    It’s a goodun

  6. I haven’t read any of Holzer’s books. But, if they are ‘Born Again,’ might just do so. The dream seems to to have been a ‘call for action.’ Interesting to see how it unfolds.

  7. Darren B says:

    Dr Hans Holzer Last Interview Part 1 of 7.

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