Return of the (Class) Ring

John Sims recently had been wondering how much it would cost to order a new class ring to replace the one he lost 25 years ago. He’s a graduate of the Miami Beach High School class of ’81 and has fond memories of his days growing up on Miami Beach. He played football and even had his jersey number, 56, inscribed inside the ring, along with his name.

“I’m kind of a nostalgic fool. I think of things like that,” Sims told the Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel. “You always remember where you came from, and we’re a close-knit group, even if we’re spread out over the country. We talk every day on Facebook.”

He figured he would never see his old ring again. After all, he lost it in Italy while serving in the Navy. He suspected that it slipped off his finger one day while playing baseball. However, before he had a chance to inquire about the cost of getting a replacement, voila, his lost ring was returned to him.

The well-timed recovery of the ring came as a result of a message posted on Facebook. A Virginia family found the ring 20 years ago, then promptly forgot about it. When they found it again in late February, they went online and found Margie Schulman Alter, a Miami Beach High grad from the class of ’66, who is now active in the online alumni community.

She posted a message on Facebook: “Does anyone know John Sims, Class of ’81 MBSHS football player #56? Class ring found 20 years ago however, placed in a drawer (NOT my drawer) and forgotten until recently.”

Within hours, several alumni had located Sims. But before he was contacted, he saw his name and photos of his lost ring being discussed on Facebook. Sims said the ring must’ve been inside the Navy glove that was shipped to the States, and the ring fell out.

Now that he has it back, he plans to wear the ring every day, just like he used to. “It just became my other wedding ring.”


So, once again, a lost object returns to its owner. This time, it does so via social media. What are the odds? What kind of force is manifesting itself in these kinds of synchros?


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8 Responses to Return of the (Class) Ring

  1. Last year in Powell’s Bookstore in Portland OR, I lost a favorite black Italian hat that I always wore every winter. I have been hoping that this hat will find its way back to me. For a month after I lost it, I checked with lost and found at the bookstore, but no one had turned it in. Since I always got compliments for the hat, I figured that whoever found it decided to keep it. It was one of the most popular articles of clothing that I have ever owned. In fact, when I first bought it in the early 1990s, I wasn’t sure that I liked it all that much and thought about giving it away. But first, I decided to wear it a few times to see if I’d like it. When several people complimented me on the hat, I decided to keep it. When I lost it last year, I felt a need for a grieving process. I really did love that hat and wish it would find its way back to me. That would be an awesome synchronicity experience for me if the hat found its way back to me. I would know its the hat because of the inside label and the way the brim is bent / where it is bent. So, there you go, universe. A challenge!

  2. DJan says:

    I remember long ago leaving my wallet on the counter in a store in Jackson Hole, with lots of money and photos in it. I think there was a credit card too, but back then I didn’t have one in my name. I canceled everything, got a new driver’s license and checks, and six months later my wallet was returned in the mail, with everything intact, including all the money. There was no address, so I will never know who the kind person was!

  3. Love this story. Yea for the Internet – the best thing since the discovery of fire.

  4. I did a comment but it seems to have disappeared!

  5. I’d actually read this story – not sure where – perhaps on the Fort Lauderdale website. I remember it because I didn’t know what a class ring was previously. The social media has such a potential for synchros like this.

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