Going Incognito

You would think that someone name Incognito would be a low-key character, one who avoided detection, literally slipped through the cracks of life. For years, Richie Incognito was relatively obscure…obscure for a starting National Football League player. He played guard for the Miami Dolphins, and offensive linemen are typically the grunts, blocking every play, never touching the football, unless they happen to recover a fumble by a teammate. Rarely making headlines.

But this past year, Incognito has shed his role that matched his name and become infamous, even outside of football, as the ringleader of a clique of players who taunted and bullied other players on his own team. His behavior came to light when one of his targets – lineman Jonathan Martin- abruptly left the team, because of Incognito’s excessive verbal assaults and demeaning stunts. The idea of a 300-pound player being the victim of bullying was surprising, spread across the media, and ignited an NFL investigation. Meanwhile, the Dolphins suspended Incognito and don’t plan to re-sign him this year when his contract runs out.

Now, months after the controversy began,  Incognito is again in the limelight for a couple of reasons. First, the report of the NFL investigation was released and Incognito was cited as the fall-guy. His reaction (since Martin wasn’t within his reach) was to pummel his $300,000 Ferrari with a baseball bat. His deed leaked out and once again he was making news. The next day he entered a treatment facility in Arizona where he lives. That too made headlines.

Incognito no more. If he ever plays for another team, the veteran player will be the most infamous lineman in the game.

And oh, by the way. See that green number? He’s right in synch for St. Patrick’s Day!

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6 Responses to Going Incognito

  1. DJan says:

    I love these things you find and point out to me. I never heard of the guy either, but I’m sure glad he isn’t one of OUR Seahawks. We’ve got our own guys who don’t know what incognito means. 🙂

  2. Momwithwings says:

    It came out that he was also credibly threatening Martin’s sister and mother.
    Other coaches, when the reports came out, said they were shocked as were the investigators. They all felt that Martin definitely did the right thing and that he’d have a future in football.
    I believe he just got picked up by another team.
    Incognito was anything but incognito.

  3. So much for Incognito (well I’d never heard of him before!). The St Patrick connection: Just read that the tradition of pinning a shamrock on clothing for St Patrick’s day started in 1681.

  4. Shadow says:

    hmph, nothing incognito about this guy…

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