Australian Sojourn

During a trip to Australia, Jane Clifford (Between the Lines), had plenty of time for daily meditations with the intent of bringing into her life everything she needed. She said the results were immediate and astonished her.

One day, while in Sydney she decided she wanted some decorative baskets for storage. “On the day I set out to buy some I stepped out of the house and there on the pavement next door were lovely baskets of the type and size I needed. In Australia, whatever is put out to be collected can be taken away and used by anyone who wants it. A wonderful form of instant re- cycling.” And wonderful synchroncity.

She continued her meditative work and it wasn’t long before more magic was forthcoming. “I had set off to explore Manley Island without shorts or swimwear or beach towel. Walking towards the beach I stopped and asked a stranger if there was a charity shop nearby. She just happened to be British and from the same area I had been born.”

Even though the woman didn’t know of any such shops, Jane fell into step beside her. The woman was going to the post office and there, right next to it, was a huge charity shop. “She was astonished because she had never seen it before. It turned out the shop had just opened two days before. If I had not walked with her for a few hundred yards I wouldn’t have found it.”

After enjoying the beach she stepped into an ethnic gift shop looking for something with a lizard on it to give her son. Not able to find anything, she asked the young man who was reading a book behind the counter.

He looked up from the book, an astonished expression on his face. “He said, ‘I don’t believe it!’ and went on to explain that she had spoken the very words he had just read. He showed me the sentence in which an older woman turned her head and said to a young man the exact same words.” She noted that it was a synchronicity and mentioned a book by Deepak Chopra that is subtitled, Harnessing the Infinite Power of Coincidence. The man nodded and said that he had met Deepak.

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10 Responses to Australian Sojourn

  1. Barbara Martin says:

    Synchronicity is everywhere. It pays to pay attention to one's surroundings and experiences.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Apropos of nothing, I recall snippets of a dream early this AM. SAG (screen actors'guild) was raising their fees 28% because of something connected to Singapore.

  3. gypsywoman says:

    very neat story! and interestingly enough, i, too, have been thinking i've not experienced any magicmoments of late, but think most probably it's just that i've not noticed them, given my own distractions of late – in any event, it's always refreshing to read those of others, regardless –

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai – food for thought. Thank you for the insight!

  5. Toumai says:

    Trish, perhaps your number synchronicity has a double meaning … other than a basis of lucky/unlucky. Maybe this is a form of language… and maybe we need to look at what they have in common. Now when thinking about a commonality between 777 and the event of 9/11, what comes to mind are commercial airliners… it seems to be a logical common thread… most of us being familiar with the Boeing 777.

    Wiki says : The world’s largest twinjet and commonly referred to as the “Triple Seven”. The original 777-200 model first entered service in 1995, and the stretched 777-300, which is 33.3 ft (10.1 m) longer was introduced in 1998.

    Another source – the Book of Numbers, by Tim Glynne- Jones gives regard to Boeing 777 saying: In 2005, the Boeing 777 set a new record – 13,500 miles that took 22 hours and 22 minutes. Tim goes on to compare this to Wilbur Wright’s first flight that involved remaining in the air 12 seconds for a distance of 128 feet.

    Maybe it’s nothing.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good question! I think she found a synchronicity instead.

    I was thinking that I hadn't experienced any synchronicities lately, either, then I had one. We went to a medical supply store to find a smaller boot for Rob's foot. I bought a few things and the total came to 7.77. The clerk said, "Oh, it's your lucky day!"

    From the store, we drove over to Starbucks. The total there came to $9.11. I thought -Uh-oh. Then I get back to the car and Rob says the boot doesn't fit, it's a woman's boot. There's the 911. Back to the store we go for an exchange.

    Still waiting for the 777!
    – Trish

  7. Sansego says:

    The question remains…did she find anything with a lizard on it for her son?

    Awesome! I love reading these synchronicity experiences every day. Its been awhile since I've had one of my own.

  8. Adele Aldridge says:

    All I can say is repeat what Natalie said – awesomely magic!

  9. Natalie says:

    Well of course! we are awesomely magic people. 😀

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