The First Secret

Since the title of our book suggests there are seven secrets to synchronicity, we thought it was time to start revealing them. So here is secret one: Look for meaning in all coincidences. If you simply shrug off a coincidence as a meaningless or chance event, then you miss an opportunity to gain new understanding, insight or a fresh look at some aspect of your life.

Sometimes you can be so involved with what’s going on at the moment that you don’t immediately recognize a synchronicity. For instance, earlier today we experienced an unusual electrical phenomenon. We heard a rumbling sound just as a bright orange flash filled the house and all the lights blinked off, then on. We ran outside to see if the transformer near the house had blown, but didn’t notice anything. Back in the house, we were relieved that we hadn’t lost any files that were open on our computers.

We quickly forgot about the momentary incident because a personal issue suddenly came to a head and we were at odds with each other, ‘knocking heads’ so to speak. But like the abrupt electrical display, our conflict passed without serious damage to our ’emotional files.’

Only later, we realized the electrical ‘flare up’ was a physical expression of the emotional issue that was about to surface.

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One Response to The First Secret

  1. Joyce says:

    I love all of these posts. This one has special meaning because I’ve had something similar, but details are too deep in my subsconcious right now. I, too, have not paid enough attention to the synchronicities in my life. I am glad you’re teaching us. This will be a great book.

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