Deadly Subject

Hexagram 42

Some of you have noted that we’ve had a lot of synchronicities here related to death. It’s a subject many of us find uncomfortable. Adele Aldridge is one of those persons, and so she has asked the I Ching about the subject. She found the answer comforting.


Here’s a question I asked of I Ching when a friend died and I was musing on the meaning of death in general. I am never comfortable with the fact of death, wanting to live forever and complaining all the time about the aging process and nothing I can do about it. So my question to I Ching was: Help me to accept death.

The response from I Ching was: Hexagram, 42 Increase, with the 2nd line moving to Hexagram 61 Inner Truth. I was impressed with Wilhelm-Baynes view of the 2nd line that changed:

“Someone does indeed increase her; Ten pairs of tortoises cannot oppose it. Constant perseverance brings good fortune. The king presents her before God.”


“. . .Where increase is thus in harmony with the highest laws of the universe, it cannot be prevented by any constellation of accidents. But everything depends on not letting unexpected good fortune make her heedless; she must make it her own through innerstrength and steadfastness. She acquires meaning before God and man, and can accomplish something for the good of the world.”

Talking about death as an increase as something good and also echoing the fact that “It cannot be prevented by any constellation of accidents” once again impressed me with the magic of I Ching. I appreciated that positive view.

And then what could be more appropriate than “Inner Truth.” The Stephen Karcher interpretation for this Hexagram in the section he names, The Shaman Speaks, he says, ”. . . This is Wood over Metal: an open centre that allows inspiration to pervade and influence the world. The ideal Realizing Person reflects this by deliberating the Great symbols that can release us from the fear of death. Persist and work through inspiration. This is the Great Transition.”

Adele Aldridge

I Ching Meditations
Yoga Babe Cafe

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4 Responses to Deadly Subject

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The Google: where would we be without The Google?

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, so now i have to google you all with tigers and wolves! 🙂

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    "The death of a loved one can thrust in front of us life's questions, creating openings for new understandings and making us more receptive to synchronicity." The Power of Flow

    Great quote.

    When you Google 'synchronicity and death,' the Power of Flow site, where we found that quote, is #1. We're #2! But then, if you Google 'synchronicity tiger wolf,' we're #1. We didn't know we wrote about tigers and wolves, as well as synchronicity!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    love the line: Where increase is thus in harmony with the highest laws of the universe, it cannot be prevented by any constellation of accidents.

    intriguing response to the asking of this question –

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