Synchronized Meditations

Back in November, we met contactee Sandy, a retired veterinarian, and her husband for lunch midway across the state. She has since been on Whitley Strieber’s Dreamland, talking about her travel experiences into other dimensions and her contacts with entities she describes as inter-dimensional. She makes contact during meditation and has had numerous instances of physical contact and visual contact. The beings, whatever they are, don’t abduct her and she considers the contact benevolent, though sometimes startling. The aim of the contact seems to be related to healing and higher awareness.

At some point, we talked about doing synchronized meditations with Sandy and her husband, the Striebers, and others who wanted to join us. We’ve done two of them now, and they have yielded interesting results. We’ve had visions, similar to waking dreams, and some of Rob’s have been related to entities. In one, the beings were flying or hovering overhead, and he heard these words: “The crazy people.”

Hmm, maybe they have a sense of humor. Trish meanwhile saw a large cat, and a number of people moving about the room during that same meditation. She also saw a human form pushing up through the floor.

After that session, Sandy wrote this about her experience: “Greg and I had a quiet but enjoyable meditation. I had the usual leg rocking and body waves, then I started to buzz all over about 20 minutes into the meditation and I felt a being at my feet for only about 5 minutes. We cupped the little foam rubber brain as we held hands throughout the session and focused on Anne and Whitley. I had a vision of a man who stepped forward, dressed as a king with a deep purple satin top with gold embellishments and a thin crown wrapped around his head. His face had a nose and beard but it was just blank skin where his eyes and eyebrows would be. He just sat in front of me with a staff in his hand.”

On the day of our planned third session, we were on our way to the gym and started discussing the meditations. As we approached a traffic light, Trish was saying that she hopes something more substantial will happen, that it would be more than these dream-like images.

We stopped at the light, which was T-intersection. We had to turn either right or left. Directly across the intersection from us was a condo complex fronted by a ten-foot high ficus hedge that bordered a sidewalk. A man wearing a long-sleeved gray T-shirt was facing the hedge directly in front of us. Rob was gazing in his direction, but Trish didn’t notice him. The view of the man was partially blocked by three small diamond-shaped traffic signs, intended to keep cars from plowing straight ahead into the hedge.

Rob wasn’t paying close attention to the man until it registered that the man had seemingly faded and vanished. Rob told Trish what he’d just seen, and his first reaction was that the man, for some reason, had pushed his way through the thick hedge and disappeared on the other side. The light changed and Rob slowed the car as he turned and we inspected the hedge. There was no noticeable sign of disturbance to the hedge. But the branches most likely would have whipped back in place after someone pushed through them. The person also would’ve been scratched, because the hedge is thick.

That’s the logical explanation, of course, and we could prove or disprove it by trying to push through the hedge at that spot. But maybe that’s not the point of the experience.

Regardless of what had actually happened, what Rob saw was incredibly parallel to our conversation. Trish had said she wanted something more physical to happen, something that would prove that our meditations were somehow linked with Sandy and Greg and their meditations.

Trish’s reaction: “We’ve got to keep doing these meditations. That was my answer.”



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8 Responses to Synchronized Meditations

  1. Gosh, yes, you must keep doing the meditations and see where they lead. Very interesting! Look forward to reading more about this.

  2. Sheila Joshi says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing how this unfolds!

    Say, did you guys see this article? I know your daughter does this —

    (I tried to post this yesterday for Leonard’s birthday, but it disappeared, and when I tried again, it said I had already submitted it and wouldn’t let me duplicate. It just did it again now, on both Firefox and Chrome.)

  3. Sheila Joshi says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing how this unfolds!

    Say, did you guys see this article? I know your daughter does this —

    (I tried to post this yesterday for Leonard’s birthday, but it disappeared, and when I tried again, it said I had already submitted it and wouldn’t let me duplicate. It just did it again now, so I switched from Firefox to Chrome.)

  4. D. Page says:

    I find experiments like this fascinating. In PSI studies, I think they call things like this entanglement. Except, you are reverse engineering the entanglement, so to speak. It will be interesting to hear how this works out.
    I have met people who have had similar experiences, but by accident.

    I’ve never watched it, but there is a TV show called”The Crazy Ones”,with Robin Williams and Sarah Michele Geller (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

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