What Goes Around Comes Around?

David Wilson, the publisher of Crossroad Press, who published our last two books on synchronicity, has sent us some intriguing synchros in the past. This one is stunning and concerns an event that happened nearly 30 years ago.  I think it falls into the category of what goes around comes around, or something to that effect.  And it’s another great example of Indra’s net, that web that connects us all.


My ex-agent introduced me to a guy a while back who has a couple of books we decided to publish. He’s a bit odd, but we’ve been working with him. The cover of his book has been a problem. But he wrote me tonight and said he had a friend who had lived in Rota, Spain for a number of years, teaching English to sailors and that he had photos we can use for the cover.

Rota, Spain isn’t exactly on the tourist track. It’s a Spanish naval base commanded by a Spanish admiral and funded by the U.S. government. 

I was stationed there between 1982-1985 and since I took English in Rota, I asked the author his friend’s name. Sure enough, the author’s friend, his brother-in-law, is the teacher from whom I took an English course. I remember he gave me a great grade because I wrote an essay espousing my theory that the reason people dislike the classics is because of the way they are taught by English teachers. I remembered that grade – and, thus, his name.


What are the odds on that one?

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7 Responses to What Goes Around Comes Around?

  1. natalie says:

    Awesome and far reaching. 🙂

  2. gypsy says:

    netting those fabulous synchros! great story! and the odds, for sure!

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