Cosmic Brand



Russell Brand goes cosmic. Click here.

Wow! How does he talk so fast? No notes…just a rapid stream of consciousness about higher consciousness, the higher mind, yoga, meditation…love, compassion, tolerance. 

Even though what he says is nothing new to anyone treading a spiritual path, Brand expresses himself in a way that’s aimed at grabbing us and shaking us and telling us to open our eyes to the expansive nature of reality. He’s saying, ‘Wake up, people, there’s more to life our mundane everyday world and our captivation by celebrities and other trivial pursuits.’

You could watch a video of the Dalai Lama and get a similar message, but Brand is captivating, especially because he’s not talking to the choir, and his cosmic message is so down to earth.  



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6 Responses to Cosmic Brand

  1. I’ll just say that he certainly has a way with words.

  2. Nancy says:

    You can see why he and Katy Perry might have had some issues over religion.

  3. I love Russsell Brand. He’s funny and brilliant.

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