Zazu: A Bird Synchro


Our friend and fellow writer, Nancy Pickard, sent us the following synchro about the fate of an abandoned baby goose.


Last night, I spent a couple of hours reading a wonderful book,  Providence of a Sparrow by Chris Chester, about a couple who rescued a bird. Shortly after I put the book down, my son, Nick, called to say, “Mom! Alex and I just rescued a bird!” Alex is his fiancée, and they’re getting married on June 21. The photo at the top of the post is Alex with Zazu, the little goose they rescued.

They were driving along the street in front of their apartment complex when a baby Canada goose ran under the car! Nick braked, scared he had run over it. They stopped right in the middle of traffic and got out to look. No bird under the tires. They looked around, and there was the baby, who had run to a curb and was trying to get over it, but it was too high.

Nick and Alex picked it up, and then parked and went looking for its family. They did find a goose family, but the geese wanted nothing to do with them. And when they tried walking away, to see if baby would go after the geese, of course he ran right after Nick and Alex.

So they took him to their apartment.

I went over to visit last night and this morning. Oh, he was so cute. He loved to cuddle, and his favorite thing was to lie pressed up close to your neck, snuggle his head under your collar, and sleep on your shoulder while you held his feet up with one hand. But he wouldn’t eat or drink.

Eventually, by comparing photos, Alex figured out he must be only a day or two old, which made not eating okay because he was still full from yolk. She theorized he’d been a late-hatcher and had gotten left behind. They named him Zazu.

This afternoon, they took him to a wildlife rehab center, where they confirmed he was, indeed, only a couple of days old. They put him under a heat lamp immediately, and his mom and dad left, feeling sad, but happy he would now be fine.

It’s been a sweet little episode, but so weird that I was reading about the couple rescuing a bird, only to receive a call about “my” couple rescuing a bird.

I was just now watching short vids of the bird and man who star in the bird book I am reading. I took a break to play Words With Friends and started a new game. The only word I could spell from the letters? AVIAN!


Geese mate for life, so I take this as a great sign for Nick and Alex!

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11 Responses to Zazu: A Bird Synchro

  1. Darren B says:

    Synchy stuff,and here is another sync.
    I saw a movie about a bird being nursed back to health today at the cinema and it was one of the best movies I have seen all year,and I have seen some good ones.
    It’s Australian movie starring Hugo Weaving (Agent Smith out of “The Matrix”) as a prison guard named Matt Perry.
    Here’s a link to the trailer –

  2. Ray G says:

    This is the kind of synchro I love.

  3. Jane says:

    Fantastic synchro!! I do love birds & this is a lovely story with a happy ending

  4. lauren raine says:

    Canada geese are also usually fabulous parents…………ever watched them with the chicks in the center of a procession, and the two parents on either side, very protective? And is there any bird to match the Canada geese for precision flying and a fabulous sense of migration direction? i once watched groups migrating, coming into a wetland preserve for the night – those “squadrons” in their V shape would put the airforce to shame. They really are astounding birds. Maybe something happened to the parents of this chick, but it’s so good to learn that he found new “parents”.

  5. Nancy says:

    Beautiful story. Best wishes for Zazu and the sweet humans that rescued her/him.

  6. That’s a cute story, as is the goose. Always makes you think when such things happen.

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