The Friendship Between a Burro and a Goat

The video speaks for itself.

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8 Responses to The Friendship Between a Burro and a Goat

  1. Anne Norburn says:

    In the mid 1980s, i got a job working at night (11pm to 7am). I had 5 teenagers at the time; I wanted some protection for them at the time and I ended up buying a trained doberman pincher, Dana, who had been raised with another doberman. I took Dana home and everything worked out very well, when 2 weeks later, the lady I had bought Dana from, called me. The other doberman, Toby, after Dana had left, had refused to eat and was starving to death. The vet told the lady that he needed to be with Dana. So she game me another doberman to save his life. The dogs never had another problem while they lived with us.

  2. sharon catley says:

    Loved to see the little goat become happy, such a shame that some people think they are just dumb unfeeling animals. On another note I had purchased the vortex energy necklace which arrived about a month ago. I found that it gave me lots of energy but I had to take it off at night as it stimulated my restless legs syndrome and I could not sleep – also I was feeling angry, agressive and defensive when wearing it. I have left it off for a week now and am back to my old listless non agressive self. I am going to give it another week and then try it out again to see if I get the same reaction from it. I was just wondering if anyone else who tried it had this happen to them or if this is how it reacts to my particular body chemistry. Unfortunate as I was getting a lot done with that extra energy.

  3. Sheila Joshi says:

    Wonderful! What a transformation! Very hopeful about the power of finding what you need to thrive.

  4. I had actually seen this video before – but it’s well worth another look. As you say, the video says it all. Animals have feelings too!

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