From Z to…Z

I frequently experience simple little synchros—sometimes silly ones—recognize them, but within a day or two they’ve faded from memory. So I decided to jot this one down before I forgot the details. However, as I did it so, it just getting bigger…or weirder…or both. Take a look.

6-20-14: I went on Facebook and saw a message in large type that said: “What is a name that starts with Z? 99% of people fail. I thought about that a moment, then noticed that I’d received a friend request. I clicked it and it was from someone named Zoa. I approved her, went back to the post and commented: “Zoa. I must be in the 1%” and explained how I’d just gotten the name.

When I started writing this post a couple of hours later, I went back to look for the original Facebook post, and was distracted by an artist’s painting. I clicked it to get the full image and the message above the painting said: “Zaria Forman is no ordinary artist.” So there was another one. A double synchro.

But that’s not quite all. After writing the above, I returned to a chapter I was editing on The Jewel in the Lotus, my meditation book. I read a couple of paragraphs and came to this one:

In fact, the night before I began this chapter I had a dream that I was an FBI agent from the city of Z, and I was investigating someone who was also from Z who was making fraudulent claims. But when someone interviewed me about the case, the interviewer questioned my authenticity. “Are you really an FBI agent from Z?” That was when I woke up at 4:30 a.m., thinking ‘No, I am not an FBI from Z.’

You’ll have to read the book to find out what that’s about, but for the purpose of this post…there it was: another Z name. This time a city named Z.

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11 Responses to From Z to…Z

  1. Just finished a book I started on holiday The Girl Who Played With Fire, the baddie is called Zalachenko.

  2. Mark says:

    Just finished watching World War Z so this resonates.

  3. sharon catley says:

    Speaking of small coincidences – mine is of the rodent variety. “Friday on the way home we had to swerve to avoid a squirrel. Saturday we watched the movie “The Nut Job” (cute cartoon kid’s movie) Sunday We watched ground squirels prepare for Winter in the National parks on TV and today A.Word.A.Day–squirrelly. Might be referring to my frame of mind lately. I quite like the letter Z – it seems quite exotic. I have a sister in law whose name is Zeta and my grandma had a cat named Zebrel. The letter feels good in the mouth.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Squirrels The biggest distraction for our dog. What’s the esoteric meaning for squirrel? There may be a clue there.
      Yes, I like the way Z sounds too. Rob did NOT like being an FBI agent from Z in that dream, though.

      • sharon catley says: Took your advice and looked up Squirrel at this website. Energy (my lack of it) and preparing for retirement (saving nuts for winter) have been on my mind lately (things associated with squirrel mentioned on the website). The universe is playing with me.

        • Rob and Trish says:


          • sharon catley says:

            Just wanted to let you know Squirrel syncros are continuing. I make bookmarts from old kleenex boxes and calendars. Monday evening I was sorting through my stash of calendars and two of them that a friend of mine (who knows I make these) gave me last year caught my I as I was selecting which pictures I was going to use the best squirell picture I have seen yet was in the first one. Then this morning I phoned my daughter who lives in Ontario. They had just had a tornado close to Toronto and I wanted to make sure the family was safe. She said they were all fine but that the squirrels were going crazy. She and i have not mentioned squirrels before and I proceeded to tell her of my recent syncros with squirrels. Her answer – there are squirrels all around us all the time I am just not noticing them till now. I know there is a message here for me with these occurrances I just have to discern what – anyway just thought I would share.

  4. Shadow says:

    This is one amazing day you were having…

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