Flight into the Future?



In 1934, Victor Goddard of the Royal Air Force was flying a Hawker Hart biplane over Scotland when he was caught in a heavy storm and got lost. He realized he needed to find a landmark in order to orient himself, so he eased his plane down through the clouds, hoping he would find clear weather below him.

He felt he was near Drem, an abandoned airfield, and if he could spot it, then he could take new bearings and get to where he was headed. When he was about a quarter of a mile from the airfield, something strange happened. As he later wrote, “Suddenly, the area was bathed in an ethereal light as though the sun were shining on a midsummer day.” 

The bright sunlight spilled over Drem, but it wasn’t abandoned. Goddard saw mechanics in blue overalls working on yellow planes. He swept in low over the field – no more than fifty feet above it – and was surprised when no one looked up as he plane passed over them. Then he ascended into the clouds again, confident about his direction.

In 1934, Drem airfield was an abandoned ruin.

In 1938,with the growing threat of war, Drem was reopened as an air force flying school and the color of British training planes changed from silver to yellow.

Had Goddard flown four years into the future?


This story – taken from Signs of Things to Come by Angus Hall – has some eerie similarities to what happened to pilot Bruce Gernon,  who experienced a time displacement in 1970 while flying through the Bermuda triangle. When I read stories like this, I can’t help but wonder if there are portals all over the planet that lead backward and forward in time.

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6 Responses to Flight into the Future?

  1. Dale Dassel says:

    I believe interstellar vortices and time portals definitely exist. How else to explain the Bermuda Triangle? Although accounts of time slips are intriguing, the experience would be rather scary if the person actually realized what was occurring. The first thought (besides maybe terrified fascination) would be: “How do I get back?” And what if the pilot became trapped in that state? He flies around until he runs out of gas, and crashes, or does he try to land at the airfield of the future (a living ghost, if indeed nobody can see him). Alternately, what if he had materialized in the midst of heavy aerial combat in the mid-1940’s? Can an aircraft teleported from the past be shot down, or would it be impervious to physical reality, like a sentient hologram?

    Many intriguing questions on this topic!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Great questions, Dale. Your comments and insights are always so thoughtful and provocative.

      • Dale Dassel says:

        It’s just the way I think. Ever since I was a kid, I absolutely thrived on books about mysterious phenomena: ancient mysteries, lost civilizations, psychic abilities, ghosts, UFOs, cryptozoology, the Bermuda Triangle, etc. which has given me a very open-minded view of the universe, coupled with my naturally creative writer’s mind. The result is a person who questions every possibility, logical or not, in an effort to understand the inexplicable.

  2. Those portals seem very feasible and would help to answer many mysteries.

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