Dean Radin’s Big Synchro

I’ve read several of Dean Radin’s books on parapsychology, and especially enjoyed his most recent offering: SUPERNORMAL: Science, Yoga, ad the Evidence for Extraordinary Psychic Abilities as I mentioned in an earlier post. This last one is more accessible and entertaining (except for hard-core skeptics) with far less detailed explanations of experiments. In other words, more on meditation and less on meta-analysis of data.

However, I was a bit disappointed that Radin failed to mention synchronicity once in Supernormal, and I wondered if he didn’t find any deeper meaning in coincidences. It was particularly surprising because he even writes about UFOs—a topic usually seen as outside of psychic research—and discusses their possible link to the paranormal…or rather the supernormal.

So I was intrigued when Lauren Raine sent this You Tube video of Radin talking about synchronicity. She forwarded it from her friend, Fahrusha’s blog. In it, Radin carries on at length about a synchronicity he experienced, and he did so for good reason. It’s quite a mind-blowing tale. Take a look and see for yourself.


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10 Responses to Dean Radin’s Big Synchro

  1. blah says:

    now skid row in the city of Angels,, probably some interesting stories there,, but most would be common apple tree proximity things,,,, maybe a beer at Big Dean’s be an idea….. Los A l toes………..

  2. blah blah says:

    what the heck kind of town is a town called Los Altos,, sounds a little silly to me!!!

  3. A great example of created synchronicity – I think that’s what happens when we visualise (or whatever term you want to use). Sometimes things, like the example in the video, happen. The intensity/desire and belief seems to define how long the manifestation takes. Sometimes it can be years later you realise, when you realise you’ve got what you requested several years ago. Or it can happen almost instantly. It’s an interesting subject.

  4. Nancy says:

    Great story. I have the Institute of Noetic Sciences on my list for a future class or training. The HeartMath Institute is also nearby, as is the Esalen Institute in Big Sur. The Bay Area is a unique place, and I love being so close to it.

  5. lauren raine says:

    such a great synchronicity, and I really like his idea of the two men having created a kind of “gravitational pull”.

    And Adele, I agree with you as well. I went to Berkeley in the early 70’s, lived in Berkeley a while, and then returned in the late 90’s where I had an experimental arts Gallery called “Rites of Passage” Gallery. I always felt that the Bay Area was years ahead of its time, and a vortex for creative energy – just witness all the paradigm changing things that have come out of that area.

    I also feel very sad at how things are changing there (and in many other places as well). There is no way I could ever go back to the Bay Area, and many of my friends and colleagues have also had to leave, because no one can afford to live there or open a gallery, etc. Which is ironic, because innovation, particularly in the arts and humanities, require cheap rent, places where people can work, congregate, and generate new ideas.

  6. I love this story! It leaves a lot to ponder and discuss. For me personally, it reminds me that when I lived in The Bay area I had so many magical synchronistic things happen, if I had time I would write about them. But this story reinforces my feeling that there is something about the vibrations in the Bay area that are conducive to creating such events.

    About the part he discusses about how finding a place to rent was difficult because it was before the dot com bust – The New Yorker recently had an article about how all the success of the startups and places like Google, Apple, etc. etc. etc., are squeezing out the entire middle class, making it impossible to live in San Francisco. It’s a magnet for creativity. I’ve got a bit off subject here. But, as usual any mention of the Bay area immediately induces homesickness. Love love love this story.

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