The Green Tweezers

Communication between the living and the dead may occur more frequently than we realize. In Synchronicity and the Other Side, we included dozens of stories of spirit contact, experienced by people from all walks of life. Synchronicity, as a kind of connective tissue between our daily world and the world of spirit, often plays an integral part in such communication.

As you’ll see from the following story, spirits can use virtually anything to communicate with the living. This story comes from Anne Strieber and is about her and Whitley’s friend, Margo Adler, a Wiccan and author whose book, Drawing Down the Moon is a classic about paganism. Adler died recently.

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Our good friend, wiccan Margot Adler died last week. Margot was an NPR reporter and she was also a Wiccan. We never knew for sure if she believed in an afterlife, but as the dead now so often appear in our lives, I wanted to get in touch with her spirit. But how to do this?

I remembered that Laurence Gardner told us that green was the color of magic, and Margot was as magical a person as I have ever met. So I decided to look for things that were green. But since we were visiting in the country, there was green all around us. Whitley said that I should look for things that are not normally green, if that was where I was hoping to find a sign.

I walked into a green hallway, saw several men wearing green shirts, but none of this seemed somehow right. These were just ordinary experiences, not communications. Then I sent Whitley out to replace some tweezers I had mislaid. One pair was an ordinary sliver color, but the other, to my great surprise, was the only pair of GREEN tweezers I’d ever seen in my life.

It was a sign to me that Margot—or my love of our dear friend—was still around, working her Wiccan magic.


I have never seen a pair of green tweezers, either! I asked Whitley if the original tweezers had ever been found. He said no, that Anne had come home with the silver and green tweezers.

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4 Responses to The Green Tweezers

  1. natalie says:

    I have never seen green tweezers here in Aus.
    Btw, I am dressed all in green today and am washing some aqua green sheets as I type.

  2. It brings a smile when such things happen – green tweezers: just great!

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