MacGregor Synchro-Sailors


This is a strange little synchro tale. I’m working on deadline on a new book that I want to get out as an e-book by Halloween, or actually a week or two in advance. It’s called Bump in the Night: Ghosts, Spirits & Alien Encounters.

So a few minutes after I talked with the publisher about the deadline, a friend Kathy sent Trish a website called MacGregor Sailors—it’s about sailing and what does it feature, but an article entitled, of all things:  “Things that Go Bump in the Night.”

The article has nothing to do with ghosts, spirits, or aliens. It’s a story about an overnight sailing trip and the captain getting up about five times during the night to fix things that came loose…hence, things that go bump in the night. The next day, however, was great sailing all the way home, he wrote.

I asked Trish how Kathy stumbled onto that website, but she didn’t know.

Hopefully, this weird little synchronicity means that I’ll have clear sailing ahead with this book that has stumped me for awhile. But now I’m moving ahead.

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2 Responses to MacGregor Synchro-Sailors

  1. Darren B says:

    I was watching the movie “Batman and Robin” the other day and the rush was on to stop Alfred the butler dying from a disease known in the movie as “MacGregor” syndrome.

  2. That’s a ‘right track’ synchro. When you mentioned the boat, it reminded me of the time we stayed with friends in Christchurch and went for a walk by the river. The first boat we saw was called ‘MacGregor’ – photo here.

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