Erica’s Synchros


Recently we received two synchronicity stories from Erica. They are quite different from each other and illustrate how synchronicity can manifest itself in any number of ways.

The first one involves a date, the second is about a book.


Perhaps you are too young to remember that on 15 August 1945 WWII in S.E. Asia ended and was won by the USA.

I was born in 1935 in then Netherlands Indies, now Indonesia. I was baptized and raised Roman Catholic. As a child I lived through and survived the Japanese occupation (1941 – 1945).  My mother was very devoted to Mother Mary, the Holy Virgin.

During the war every day she prayed Hail Marys, begging the Holy Mother to please put an end to this horrible war. At last on August 15-  which in the Catholic church is the holiday of Mary Ascension – the Japanese surrendered  and that was the end of the war in S.E. Asia and the Pacific, thanks to U.S. General Mac Arthur.

To my mother this date of August 15 was PROOF that  the Holy  Mother had answered her prayers ! Coincidence?

In the 1960s I stopped going to church. I did not lose my faith, I abandoned religion.

Like your blog a lot.


On a lazy rainy afternoon in the summer of 2007 I sat down reading “The Four Agreements” by  Don Miguel Ruiz.

When I  finished and closed the book I thought to myself, in Dutch, “This book is so good.” Then I decided to watch TV. The first thing I saw on the screen was Oprah Winfrey  throwing her arms high up in the air shouting, “That book is so good!”

Don Miguel Ruiz was her guest in that show! Everyone in the audience got a copy of that so good book.


Only Erica can determine what these synchros meant for her. But the second one, at least to me, suggests she was clearly in the flow, in tune, experiencing that deeper reality in an immediate, personal way.

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3 Responses to Erica’s Synchros

  1. The Four Agreements is a good synchro.

    Perhaps it’s just me, but I don’t think that anyone ‘won’ the war, not when millions of people were killed. Maybe the Holy Mother should have stepped in a bit earlier.

  2. Melissa says:

    You’re right, she has to figure out what they mean for her but I really like the book synchro!

    Her date synchro reminded me of one that I had: My Nana and Papa were married on August 29th, 1948…that is the same day and year that my husband’s father was born!

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