The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Ghost stories aren’t necessarily synchronicities, but here’s one courtesy of Gypsy Woman that ends with a startling synchronicity. Jenean, it seems, lives with her feet firmly planted in two different worlds!
For many years, I lived in my little 1926 bungalow that was surrounded by beautiful pecan trees. Before I bought the house, I used to drive past it every day en route to work and I couldn’t help but slow down and admire its quaint charm. The house was vacant and since I had such an affinity for it, I tracked down its owner and told him I wanted to buy the house. I sent my initial proposal by mail, and in it I outlined all the things I envisioned for it. Based upon that letter, he sold me the property in which he had raised his family.

When I moved in, I immediately began restoration of the main floor. At the center of the house was a square island which housed a large closet and the stairwell. The closet door opened into a rectangular hallway which led to the other rooms. The closet door was directly opposite the door of the master bedroom – or in my case, the ‘mistress bedroom.’

During this time, my daughter, Cindy, and her two small children lived with me. On one particular night, the children were in their beds and my daughter and I decided to watch television from my big bed. Apparently, we both fell asleep watching a movie. Suddenly, I was awakened by a bright light and saw my daughter standing at my hallway closet with the door open and the light on.

Her back was to me and her long hair was down. She was wearing a yellow dress that I’d never seen. I was startled to see her there and asked her what she was looking for. Then I asked where she had gotten that dress. It had a very fitted waist, a ruffle around the shoulders and a full length skirt with a sash tied in the back.

I called her name several times and she didn’t answer. But she continued to stand there at the closet with her back to me. Then, my daughter spoke. “Mom, what’s the matter?”

I snapped my head around and realized that she was still on the bed beside me. I quickly looked back to the closet, but the girl in the yellow dress was gone and the closet light was off, and the door shut. Cindy and I talked often about that night, and later laughed about it, but it remained very real to me. My sister later moved in with me and over time, other spooky incidents occurred to us and visitors.

Several years later, I decided to renovate the upstairs of the house. I called in a contractor and the work crew began by piling all the previous owner’s leftover stuff along side the curb for pick-up. One day, my sister and I had prepared lunch for the crew and we were all sitting around my dining room table when we started talking about all the things that they’d pulled out of the attic.

That was when my sister said, “Oh, so has Jenean told you the story about the girl in the long dress?”

The foreman responded, “Was it a yellow dress with a big shirt and a big sash?” He went on to describe the ruffles on the shoulders and other details I had seen on the girl at my closet. He said he’d pulled it out of the eaves in the side of the attic wall. He added that it was outside at the bottom of the junk pile.

We didn’t attempt to retrieve the dress, but I knew it was the same one. I never saw the girl again, but I’ve wondered about her often. I researched court records and discovered that the home had been originally built by two women who both came from old prominent Shreveport families.

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17 Responses to The Girl in the Yellow Dress

  1. turbowitch says:

    I have "seen" 2 Ghosts, but felt the presence often of others. My grandmother who warned me of something unshocking & unpleasant, that my father (her son)was in danger). Turned out to be true. I also felt the presence of my departed best friend who was so hysterical I couldnt figure out what was happening. Her husband had a bad car smash an hour later, ended up in intensive care.
    The first ghost I really experienced was the great aunt of my husband, I had met her once. She really had lived a Dickensian "Miss Haversham" life in an old country mansion as a recluse.Theatrical looking cobwebs etc House unchanged for 50 years. She "appeared" in my own home 200 miles away in my bedroom doorway about 4 am and glided towards my bed, I was terrified. She lived in another county. She said in my thoughts "Don't be afraid dear,I've come to see the child before I go". She bent over to look at my sleeping infant daughter next to me & vanished! I said to my husband next morning I think your Aunt Gwen died about 4 am,she was here! Sure enough we had a call at breakfast she had died unexpectedly about 4 am. Her sister also saw her a few days after the funeral she appeared on the landing of her sisters home miles away from where she had lived.
    2nd ghost opened and closed a latched door,I heard it clearly, walked across small hallway & opened and closed a door to living room. It was so real I shot after it into the living room,thinking a real person had entered the house. Nothing in the living room, shouted upstairs to my friend, no one else in the remote house but us! She claimed the rocking chair used to rock unoccupied! 3rd Ghost snatched my glasses off my face & threw them to the floor!Witnessed by a friend who later screamed when we went to bed because a yellow star shaped cushion from across the room had been placed in her bed! Under the covers which she saw when she pulled them back to get in. WE had been alone in the house 3 days, I had been ill so we had not left the house and no one had been in. We still talk about it!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    my daughter and i were talking about her just this morning – i wonder where she is now and hope she is happy –

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    A great story / post … and then finding the dress years later …

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Whip Warrior – that's a very weird story! I don't know how I missed it earlier. Off to check out the link you provided.
    – Trish

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, thank you, trish – it's what i hope too – i can think of nothing more humbling and i am privileged to have shared her home and her presence – and i'll bet you're right about her somewhere with a soft little laugh loving every minute of it all – i wish her peace –

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think of you as the facilitator, Jenean. You helped her move on. And she's probably enjoying the fact that we're talking about her!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, trish – i've ALWAYS thought that! which is so sad to me in some ways in terms of her being there and then not there – i hate post-mortems [in the literal and figurative sense] but this is one where "if only" – you know? i've felt so so badly that i didn't recoup the dress – the flip of the coin is that perhaps if the dress was holding her there, and she needed/wanted to move on, then, removing the dress was a good thing – i'm obviously still very ambivalent about it – i went out to the curb where all the junk had been placed by the workers to see if i could see it at all that day, but there was more than 50 years of stuff piled 3'-4' high and the width of the strip of grass between the street and curb – ANYway, i wonder still – and cherish the experience –

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – I wonder if you stopped seeing her because the dress had been removed from the house.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    the girl in the yellow dress remains as clear in my mind as if it were only yesterday – her appearance will never be forgotten and she continues to be a topic of conversation in our family – i have often wished that i had retrieved the physical dress from the rubbish pile and was sorry when i never saw her again – however, there were many other instances of people in the house having experiences with things not seen but felt – most taking place in the vicinity of this closet and adjoining bedroom and in the area between it and the kitchen – several times guests refused to sleep in this bedroom because they had "strange feelings" in it – others felt something brush up against them in that area of the house – these things were fairly common – but i personally never felt at all uncomfortable in the least –

    anyway, it's always great to hear of other similar stories – so i really appreciate these comments –

    and trish, i think you're right – seems like another book in the making!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm beginning to think there's a whole synchronicity book just on ghost stories. Jarielyn – Intuitive Girl. Wow. Both of these stories are powerful.

  11. Intuitive Girl says:

    Good story. When I was about five years old, I had what I thought was an 'imaginary friend' named Bobby. I would stop and wait for Bobby and hold conversations with Bobby. I outgrew this behavior and then several years later, a woman came to the house and told my mother she and her husband were the house's first owners. She asked if she could come in and my mom said yes. She told my mom that she and her husband had moved after their 5-yr-old son Bobby had drowned in the bathtub.
    I don't remember the Bobby encounters now, but this story is at least synchronicity, maybe more.

  12. Maithri says:

    Isnt it amazing how little we really know about the world we live in.

    Thanks for the reminder to be grateful for the mysteries of life,

    Peace and light, Maithri

  13. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    this is a really cool story. I grew up in Stockton, Ca. The house we lived in had lots of spiritual activity. One day, when I was about 8 years old, I stayed home from school. My mom and I had been do laundry, and I just started to take some folded clothes upstairs to put away when I thought I saw my dad walking down the hallway. He was wearing a short sleeved plaid shirt, only it wasn't my dad. The figure disappeared as soon as I realized it wasn't him. That was the first time I ever saw a spirit in full form. The second time I was 21 years old and it was the ghost of my recently deceased grandfather. I will never forget that moment for as long as I live. I've seen a spirit in full form within the past year in my own home. I do not recognize if it is anyone I know.

    About two and half years ago I started feeling like there was a presence here in my home. I don't know if I'm being paranoid or what, but I never had that feeling before. I've lived in the same house since December of 2001.

    Aside from the actual visual accounts, I've experienced lots of weird stuff which I consider to be ghostly activity. When I first met my husband he lived in an old house and I would go there on my lunch hour and just relax by myself. On several occasions, the tv would go off and the stereo would come on all by itself and the window in the living room would suddenly be open after coming back from a trip to the bathroom. They were the old fashioned windows that had a crank you had to turn to open. Not an easy task. The wind cannot be responsible for that one. I've seen things in that house, but not clearly enough to say it was a spirit.

  14. whipwarrior says:

    While I've never personally seen a ghost, I did encounter one in Charleston a few years ago. My ex and I were walking up Church Street from Battery Park when I heard a loud snapping sound, like a pebble striking a glass window. I turned back to see what happened, and she was holding her hand over her face as if she had been struck by something. I thought a passing car had flung a rock at her. When she took her hand away, the frame of her sunglasses was snapped cleanly in half above one lens. It was only after returning home from the trip that I read about the notorious poltergeist activity associated with the area around Church Street:

  15. Nancy says:

    Wow. My daughter is struggling with ghosts in her house. This one gives me the shivers.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I've never seen a ghost, either, unless those strange globes that appear on my digital pics are evidence. That's controversial.

    Once a santero in Miami, possessed by his ser – spirit guide – told me that he saw a Roman soldier standing behind me, and that he was a guardian. Was that a ghost, his imagination, a past-life image, I don't know. But a few years later, a psychic apparently saw the same image, describing it as a Roman soldier. Synchronicity.

  17. whipwarrior says:

    Neat story. Exactly like something from a movie. I believe in ghosts and spirits, but I never want to see one (otherwise I'd probably join them about three seconds later!). 🙂

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