Bumper Sticker philosophy

The letters are fairly small so the message on our bumper sticker doesn’t jump out at you. But it’s there…If anything can go well, it will.
It’s a positive message, the opposite of Murphy’s law,  and I (Rob) notice it every time I walk past the rear of the car. It’s like a corollary to: You create your own reality. Some people are confused by it and have asked what it means. Others have glanced at it and given us the thumbs up. They get it.
Megan has the same sticker on the back of her car, and some of her friends have actually made fun of it, saying things like, “Isn’t it supposed to be SHIT HAPPENS. Which is actually the opposite message, suggesting that we are the victims of random events, that we really don’t have much control of our environment.
I thought about those negative sentiments this morning when one of our cars wouldn’t start and I had to call AAA. I figured the car needed a new battery, but thought, Damn it, didn’t I just do this a couple of years ago?
After placing my service order with AAA, I texted a friend who was supposed to join me this morning for the disc golf league we play on Saturday mornings. I told him that I’d have to wait for the service truck to get here and it would take up to an hour. That meant I had to drop out of league play today.
He’s a young guy, one of Megan’s friends, and an avid disc golf player. He texted back, if you can believe it…shit happens.
Then things started to turn. The truck driver called and said he would be at the house in 15 minutes. He arrived right on time. He checked the battery, saw that it was bad, and noticed an AAA sticker on the side. “When did you get this battery?” he asked.
I couldn’t remember, but looked in the glove box, and voila, pulled out the AAA battery receipt. He looked at it and said, “You’re good. You get a free battery.” Ten minutes later, he was pulling away and I texted my disc golf partner and told him I was back in. New battery, no charge, finished early. I added: If anything can go well, it will.
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7 Responses to Bumper Sticker philosophy

  1. DJan says:

    Oh, that is so good! Perfect, in fact. It all did go well, as foretold. 🙂

  2. Shadow says:

    Thumbs up for positive reinforcement!

  3. The other day at the bus stop, I saw a man wearing a baseball cap that said “Shit Happens” on the front of it. My reactionary thought was, “How unfortunate for you!”

    I’ve always hated that phrase. I believe it tells you a lot about the person who uses that phrase.

    Kind of makes me want to make my own ballcap or t-shirt or bumper sticker that says: “Synchro happens!” to counter that negative message / idea!

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