Double Doppelganger


The person with the long Facebook name who posted this pic did so because she thought the guy in the foreground looked a lot like her friend Bill Gallart. I did too. Bill is my disc golf partner on Saturdays. I also thought for a moment that I was in the photo – the bald guy on the right. Then I realized that it wasn’t either one of us. But two doppels in the same pic?

What’s also surprising is that the photo was taken at JoJo’s, a bar-restaurant here in Wellington, where Bill and I go sometimes, usually separately. But we did meet there once for drinks with several others. So a double doppelganger…and a synchro! After all, that picture could’ve been taken anywhere.

Not only do those guys look fairly close in facial features to us, but they also have similar builds. Bill is tall with a long upper body, and his doppel looks the same. The bald guy not only has a similar build to mine, but his clothes look like what I typically wear. I have several khaki shorts and often wear a pale blue t-shirt. (In fact, I’ve got it on now with the shorts as I write!) Fortunately, the guy is in the background, because I’m guessing he’s probably 30 years younger than me.

So who are those guys and what are they doing, anyhow? We don’t know.

But don’t take my word on the look-a-like matter. Judge for yourself. Here’s Bill and me…




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5 Responses to Double Doppelganger

  1. Melissa says:

    You know what? This reminds me of a crazy synchro I had a year or two ago on the train in NYC…I was seated and a girl got on, maybe around my age or a little younger. It was hard to tell. But the crazy thing is, we had the same tattoo – just in different places!

    Mine was pulled from an image in one of your books, but it’s still pretty straightforward – it’s just the symbol for for my sign! I did not get up and show her, because you don’t do that on the train in NYC…that’d be weird in all sorts of ways. 🙂

  2. Melissa says:

    Oh wow! Walter White is replicating! tee hee

  3. Shadow says:

    I would NEVER have believed this without the photos, the chances of this happening must be, what, 1 in a ?

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