Not a Wild Guess

Derren Brown is the new Uri Geller. He’s amazing…but is this synchronicity? How does he do it? He claims it’s all logical perception, but it certainly seems that there’s definitely a psychic element here.

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6 Responses to Not a Wild Guess

  1. Susan says:

    Intuition and logic are not separate forms of perception. Intuition is simply a higher form of logic. Derren observes without judgment which connects him to his higher self, where there is no division between logic and intuition. He sees people.

  2. He’s not psychic, but he’s excellent at what he does – quite mind blowing at times. I also have his book: ‘Tricks of the Mind’

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I’ll have to get this book, thanks for the recommendation, Mike and Daz.

    • Darren B says:

      Yes,that’s the same book I have Mike,although he has written others.
      But I haven’t read it yet…well I think I read the first chapter,but haven’t picked it up again as other books I was reading at the time side tracked this book.
      Maybe this is my que to start reading it…again ?

  3. Darren B says:

    He is a magician like David Blane.
    I have a book of his on my bookshelf.
    He is a very good magician,too.

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