Snow Leopard

Some companies go to great length to hype their new products, but the following must be synchronicity. Even Apple couldn’t arrange this scheme of events.

August 28 was the official publication of Apple’s latest operating system, OS10.6, known better by its nickname, Snow Leopard. Meanwhile, Dot Earth, a NYTimes environmental blog, showed a photo of a rare snow leopard, taken in Afghanistan. The story’s publication date is, yes, August 28.

Thanks to John Ehrenfeld for noting the synchronicity on his blog that otherwise sticks with rational thinking about future trends.

Snow leopards are designated as an endangered species by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. We’ll see which snow leopard survives longer.

Outdated computer operating systems, along with their accompanying hardware, disappear from use quickly, and are filling our landfills. It’s estimated that 160,000 computers are discarded every day in the U.S. Many end up in the Third World creating serious environmental hazards.

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10 Responses to Snow Leopard

  1. Biko says:

    re this planned climate activiststs' self-immmolation climate protest before Copenhagen talks begin on Dec. 7, perhaps in front of UN bldg in Manhattan…..
    NOTE: with Copenhagen meetings starting in less then 100 days, some climate activists are now planning a dramatic self-immolation protest in front of the UN bulding in NYC before the summit opens, with 5 people appearing to set themselves on fire to protest the world's inaction on all this. However, they will be using Hollywood stuntmen suits to protect them from the flames and no one, repeat, no one, will get hurt or die. It's all part of a concerted PR effort to get the world to wake up and pay attention. If anyone wants details and rehearsed photos of the event, email me at bikolang AT gmail dot com

    Marc Morano, who runs Climate Depot, a major climate change website, which doesn't always agree with me, or me with it, but Marc is a good man and very civil, and he emails me after I sent him this item: "Thanks Danny. I will post. Very interesting."

    a few coments from people around the world who seem to hope these climate activists will DIE:

    1. "If I lived in the area, I would see about getting a few large bags of marshmallows, and sticks to hand out to the crowd.. "

    "As for the climate protesters… while I love to see Darwin in action, I’ll note they’re being very public about this. As a result, the police will come and stop them from setting themselves alight. As a result, the protesters get to look bad-assed while not actually, you know, dying. At the same time they get to shout about how the police ruined their protest, impeding their free speech, etc. I’m willing to bet nobody’s even going to be singed. "

    2. So they want to make a protest about all the CO2 being relased into the atmosphere, so in order to do this, they probably travel several hundered miles to get there and then when thy arrive, they want to pollute the atmosphere even more with their burning bodies. Could they not just stay at home and hang themselves? It’s much more eco-friendly.

    3. They’re trying to paint themselves as the next Thích Quing Đuc (the Vietnamese monk who lit himself on fire in protest against the government’s treatment of Buddhists, circa 1968), which is frankly kind of insulting.

    Given that those flame suits are used by professionals with years of training, and under specific conditions, even if they get to set themselves on fire, they are likely to screw it up… Then we have to deal with the stench of burning hippy.

    4. Flame suits are for sissies!

    5. I’m sure someone will have a video of that if they are stupid enough to actually do it. I’ll be checking Youtube in the days after the event.

    6. The idea of immolation is to show how much against whatever it is you are……You’re supposed to sacrifice your life in a very painful way …

    If you wear a special suit so you aren’t hurt …….then you’re missing the plot.
    We could douse the flames afterwards with vats of sulphuric acid. . .

    8. I hope the stunt goes horrible wrong…cuz THAT would be entertainment.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Now THAT'S a good one, whip warrior!

  3. whipwarrior says:

    It's a sign of the times: Product placement meets synchronicity! 🙂

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Bienvenido, alotstuff!

  5. alotstuff says:

    nice blog and have lots of stuff here….

  6. Nancy says:

    I find that happens all the time. I will read one thing only to find it being discussed somewhere else.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    get out!!! terrific story! one that i'd not heard yet – and the snow leopard, actual and symbolic – neat! oh, and about apple – one would think that with all their "big apples" [pun intended] that their research staff would have noticed, but there ya go! another great reading over here!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    In the Jungian scheme of things, ghost stories fall under the umbrella of synchronicities. Jung had several encounters of his own and wrote about them in his autobiography.

  9. Adele Aldridge says:

    I'm glad you posted this. I noticed the synchronicity of Apple's announcement at the same time I saw the picture of the snow leopard and article in the NY Times. I was going to comment about that here but was wondering if that was perhaps a stretch for what you were looking for. Lately there have been a lot of posts that seemed to be more like ghost stories. I wonder if the folks at Apple are aware of this syncronicity and/or pleased about it. I love it.

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