A Romantic Crush Synchro


The contact form on the blog often brings in fascinating email from people with questions about synchros or with synchros they’ve experienced. We recently received an email from Karla McNeese from Topeka, Kansas.


So I have a massive crush on a guy. It has been several years since it started and it’s one of those “he doesn’t even know I am alive” sort of things. I recently discovered I have the same rare-ish disease that his father died from. This is interesting to me because it is rare enough to learn someone has it, let alone like this.

Also, I share the same birth date (different year) as a dear friend of his. Not sure if this lines up to anything other than an astrological alignment. So what say you? Are these synchronicities? Am I simply grasping at things? And what does this mean??? Thanks in advance.


I asked Karla if she’d ever experienced a synchro before. Her response: To the best of my remembrance, this is the first time I have experienced anything like this. Ever since learning of the phenomenon of synchronicity I keep my mind and my eyes open for the experience. When I learned this fact about my “crush” I got cold chills, then a feeling of warmth came over me. Hard to explain but it was sort of a “knowing” deep down.

My take is that both incidents are synchronicities. But figuring out what they mean is more challenging. Does it mean something will develop between her and this man on whom she has the massive crush? Or is there some other meaning altogether? All opinions and ideas are welcome!


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10 Responses to A Romantic Crush Synchro

  1. c.j. cannon says:

    I so agree with you, Darren. According to Stearn and other authors who write about the SoulMate situation, even our worst enemies (if we have any) can often be a SoulMate with whom we have a pre-birth contract to experience some kind of ‘clearing’ or resolution. I’ve observed in my own life that I never fail to learn something important from people to whom I may not be particularly drawn, and it has been a wake-up call for me. Consider this, (and to Christians, this is simply my personal opinion that I’ve always had), in the Old Testament, the birth, life, death, and resurrection of the Messiah was prophesied. In the New Testament, Jesus spoke often about His purpose and His ultimate demise. , Sooooooo, when we look at this as a whole scenario, SOMEONE had to betray Jesus. It was part of the prophesy. Judas was the Betrayer. In my own personal thoughts about this, the soul that was Judas agreed to be The Betrayer….with the agreement of the soul of Jesus….and for this reason, Judas isn’t the evil person described throughout history. SOMEONE had to betray Jesus or the prophesy would not have manifested as it did. Does this make sense to anyone but me?? I believe that Jesus and Judas were a type of SoulMate; that Judas played the role of the Betrayer. It was an integral part of the Plan. Kind of difficult to explain, but nevertheless, seems apparent to me, and I’ve never been able to consider Judas as anything but a Soul playing his role in the entire scheme of the Jesus story….a role that both of them knew and had put in place before either of them was born.

  2. DJan says:

    I hope we interested observers get to find out what happens with this possible connection. It would be much easier if she weren’t so obsessed with the guy, in my opinion. That makes real connection harder to discern. Just my two cents. 🙂

  3. natalie Thomas says:

    Sometimes the Universe will give us synchros just to get our attention. The best way to get Karla’s attention is where her attention is already focused. I’d say that there will be more to come, now that she is open to them.

  4. c.j. cannon says:

    The now-deceased, very knowledgeable Jess Stearn authored a book entitled SOULMATES, among his other dozens of texts and tomes. If she can locate a copy, and I believe it is probably available on Amazon or elsewhere, it may help her understand the many types of “soul mates” that every individual encounters during a lifetime. Most folks tend to think we have only one soulmate, but according to Stearn and other researchers, we have lots of them coming and staying or coming and going in and out of each life experience. I agree with Nicholas….perhaps an introduction might be in order??? Good post, guys. Thanks.

    • I’m definitely not one who believes we only have one soulmate or that a soulmate is about a romantic relationship. I believe one of my soulmates is my best friend, who was the brother I had always wanted. When we met, our conversation flowed and we had a lot in common and even though we disagree on politics and spirituality, we feel like we’ve known each other for ages…long before we even met.

      At one Body Mind Spirit Expo that I attended, one of the lecturers claimed that we have soulmates, lifemates, and playmates. Lifemates are who we need to search for in terms of romantic relationships. Soulmates can be lifemates, but might not be.

      Another lecturer said that when we meet someone and feel amazing chemistry with, but as we get to know them, the sizzle fizzles out, that means they aren’t a soulmate. The initial attraction might’ve been a past life connection but not something sustainable for a long term committed relationship in this life. That makes sense…especially when I hear about men in midlife crisis dumping the wives who bore their children for a younger woman that thy claim is “the soulmate they’ve been looking for”…only to move on to someone else after the initial euphoric / chemistry fizzles out. People should not base their future happiness on a momentary highly euphoric chemistry feeling. Find out if there’s something deeper to base a relationship on. Chemistry is not enough.

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Chemistry eventually fails if there isn’t something else.

        • Darren B says:

          I’m with Connie on the soulmate issue.
          I don’t believe we have just one soulmate and like the author’s work she quoted above,”…we have lots of them coming and staying or coming and going in and out of each life experience”.
          We obviously have things that we are meant to bring to bear in this life with people we thought of as soulmates at first….like bringing children into the world and so forth.But where people go wrong is to think of a soulmate as your love for life.
          This may be true in some cases,but maybe they come along to teach us some bitter life lessons as well,remember half of all marriages end in divorce and who in their right mind would choose a relationship that was going to end in divorce ?
          Not me.
          But life does have a habit of dealing out some bad hands to people and who’s to say that we are not here to play those hands out ?
          The only real option you have down here is to ask the dealer to “hit me” and play the best game you can from the cards that are dealt to you.
          I’ve learned that sometimes the worst cards dealt can be the most valuable cards in the long run.
          So my advice would be to follow your heart.
          It may not give you a soft landing in life,but it will give you the landing you need.

  5. I’m guessing that the real question she wants an answer to is if these coincidences are enough evidence / indication of a connection that they are meant to be together. The only way to really know the answer to that question is to talk with the person and see if he feels a connection / bond. If there is a soul connection, the conversation / personal coincidences should flow quite easily. If they don’t have much in common and don’t feel a mutual sense of chemistry / connection, then it might not be a destined / fated meeting…or the timing could be off.

    I’ve heard plenty of stories of people who thought that signs led to them being destined to be with so and so, but who ended up in nightmare relationships. Compatibility, comfort in one another’s presence is a good sign. Nervousness / butterflies seems more about physical desire and fear of not being in “the same league” as the object of desire. From my personal experience and from the successful relationships I’ve witnessed, feelings of comfort and familiarity in both parties seem to be an indication of soul destiny relationships.

    One lady I know married a man who made her feel butterflies at first, but it was purely physical. They had very little in common and the marriage turned into a nightmare for her. She married him in spite of all the red flags, just because she was physically attracted to him with little else in common to feel a lasting bond.

  6. They do seem to be synchos, but I wouldn’t want to say what they might mean – only Karla will realise this in the fullness of time. There does seem to be a connection between her and the man though.

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