The Many Faces Of…

May 16 is an important day around here. It’s Rob’s birthday! So I decided to honor his birthday by sharing some of the many faces of this fascinating guy:

Here’s Rob, the yogi. This photo was part of out book called Astro-Yoga, a combination of yoga and astrology, based on a system of yoga that Rob created.

Rob, windsurfer.Β  Hood River, Oregon.

Rob, bicyclist. This is one of the bikes he rides like the wind, helmet and all. Those feet belong to Megan!

Rob, teacher, mentor, dad. Aruba. He passed on his love of windsurfing to Megan.

This is Noah, oneΒ  of Rob’s major fans,Β  featured here checking out something in the driveway, and probably trying to figure out how to get to Rob, who was on the other side of the car.

Rob, synchro guy, hubby and buddy.

Rob, writer. This is the cover for Double Heart, which will be out later this year.

I’m sure there are some faces of Rob I have forgotten to include! At any rate, happy birthday, Rob!

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25 Responses to The Many Faces Of…

  1. A belated Happy Birthday – may the year ahead be perfect.

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Oh, it is definitely the 16th, Rob! My bad! Just a lot going on here and I’ve lost track of calendar time. Yes, Darren, I’ve been having trouble getting here as well as to other sites. The computer is very slow to respond, and other problems. My sister in Missouri is having issues with hers, as is my friend in Wyoming. Curiously, Clif High of webbot fame (??) actually named these dates as having some pretty significant computer and electrical power outages. Google went off on me while ago, but I managed to get it back. And have found a bunch of sites discussing the multiplicity of power outages essentially all over the world. So it’s not a localized thing. BTW, they are news sites, not conspiracy sites, about the power grids and computer stuff. Weird.
    maybe soalr storms and flares, etc. Maybe something closer to the planet.

  3. whipwarrior says:

    Happy Birthday, Rob! What can I say that I haven’t already expressed in the many e-mails we’ve exchanged over the years? You’re my #1 favorite author EVER, a terrific writing guru with incredible patience for dealing with a wannabe novice like me (for which you have my sincerest thanks!), and one of the nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. But I think the Army Intelligence agent in ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ phrased it best:

    “Yes, Dr. Jones, we’ve heard a great deal about you. Professor of archaeology, expert on the occult, and… how does one say it? Obtainer of rare antiquities.”

    Rob, thank you for creating so many incredible adventures that captivate and enlighten readers while showing us how much more intriguing the world is than it appears: synchronicity, dream interpretation, lost civilizations, ghosts, reincarnation, clairvoyance, UFOs…

    We’ve barely scratched the surface!

    I raise my glass to many, MANY more adventures in the years ahead! Cheers! πŸ™‚

  4. Darren B says:

    Happy Birthday,Rob.
    I’ve been trying for ever,to get to this page to comment,but every time I try to go through the home page of your blog,my computer keeps freezing,so I had to get here through some back alleys.
    I think someone who fancies himself a trickster is playing games with me,because it only happens on your homepage,like there’s a bug in it.
    I just wonder if anyone else has this problem?

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    This late in the day, I’ve just realized I’ve goofed. Today is May 16, not May 15. The last ten days for me seem to have been hours spent out of Time and Dimension, and I’m not running on the real clock now. In any event, Rob, Happy birthday MAY 16 remains in effect….I’m just a day late and a few dollars short….and my mind is running behind!

    • R and T says:

      For a second there, I actually thought, wait a minute, it’s the 16th, isn’t it?! πŸ™‚

  6. mathaddict3322 says:

    Rob, you share this day of birth with countless people who have left huge marks in virtually every walk of life around the globe, including Pierre Curie, born May 15, 1859. The list seems endless! Just as an aside, today have been my parents’ 75th wedding anniversary if they were still with us. They would be in their nineties now, married in a S. GA town on May 15, 1936. Whoot, I finished the Koontz book and plan to keep it on my shelves, to take out once in a while and read certain passages that I’ve marked. Unusual in a fiction novel. Yep, the wonderful protagonist has the wine birthmark on his face and is otherwise disfugured. But his soul is beautiful and pure and he’s a true angel of mercy in so many ways….as the story comes to its ultimate close.

  7. D Page says:

    Happy Birthday, Rob!

  8. "whoot" says:

    just 2 double up

  9. Nancy says:

    Happy Birthday, Rob! Having tried windsurfing many years ago in Hawaii, I can attest that it takes great strength to windsurf on the Columbia in Hood River! Hope you have a great day.

    • R and T says:

      Thanks all for the B-Day wishes. Looking good for Taureans with Jupiter moving into Taurus for one year on June 5 – the day we leave for Costa Rica. Woo-woo!

  10. mathaddict3322 says:

    Happy, happy birthday, Rob. It was A MOMENTOUS DAY, (quote, Dean koontz), when you entered the world this time! Such a gift and a pleasure to know you! Be King of your Domain for today, and ENJOY !!

    • "whoot" says:

      yes Mr. R “Host” truelly hope you have a very nice day,, just don’t go grocery shopping and let any red hair left handed old man bag your groceries.. but on the subject of synchro”s (who coined it like that anyway).. and since CJ (m.a.) is quoting Koontz and since she did refer to the book “from the corner of his I” think that’s the title,, gosh CJ book talks of a wined stained birthmarked guy (around the right I) whose portraying law enforcement in the book,, gosh frgin darn it how come bozo’s got one of those in his life (retired though be it)

      but for “birth”.d. synchro if birthday +10 years was the first “heart” transplant what was b.d. -10 years,, as ma would say, quit with the

      “t h e a t r i c s ” boy,,,,

      • "whoot" says:

        Oh and the second “ma” that’s one who knows me much better,, maybe the problem becomes one of “familiarity” and can only hope a distorted view,, others wise I really couldn’t be able to live with myself…

  11. lauren raine says:

    Happy birthday! What a wonderful rainbow spectrum of life you share……..wishing you a day of celebration!

  12. DJan says:

    I also want to wish Rob a Happy Birthday! Sounds like a true Renaissance Man to me.

  13. friend of nica says:

    oh, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE the title double heart – and then, there is that magnificent cover!!! my muses just awoke – i feel words pouring forth……….. πŸ˜‰

  14. friend of nica says:

    hmmmm………..and of faces – how ’bout the quiet prophet – he doesn’t speak here often, but when he does……………..i’ve heard the universe thunder – and other times, the gods laughing out loud! πŸ˜‰

    happy happy happy, MAN OF MANY FACES!

    much love – gypsy

  15. Hey, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rob! So where are the faces?
    I love that Synchro jacket. I want one.


  16. Nancy Pickard says:

    Happy Birthday, dear Rob! Trish, you can also add, Rob the great friend and Rob the great COOK!

    • R and T says:

      The cook! OMG, how’d I overlook that one?! Got him down as synchro guy, hubby and buddy, but he IS a good friend to his friends, Nancy!

  17. Natalie says:

    Happy Birthday to you, Rob! You look terrific!
    I reckon a guy would have to have many faces in order to keep a super intelligent Gemini woman interested. ……just sayin’. πŸ™‚

    I hope your day is wonderful for you.xx

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