Synchronized Orbs

Here’s an interesting UFO – or orb – video. If it’s fake, someone went to quite an extent to match the background voices with what the camera is showing. Pretty impressive, IMO.

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7 Responses to Synchronized Orbs

  1. lauren raine says:

    Pretty amazing……..are there lots of other witnesses or photo documentation?

    The “Oh my God” woman does carry on………….

  2. “Oh, My God!” – she was definitely impressed!

  3. Laurence Zankowski says:

    Here is the freefly alta drone with a Red Dragon monochrome /infra red sitting on top of drone instead of slung below

    This is a very expensive tool

    Be well Laurence

  4. Laurence Zankowski says:

    Just to put it out there: 49 synchronized drones

    This is amazing just by the fact that the drone phenomenon is happening at the same time as the smart phone / tablet / iOS revolution. The gimbal market place is exploding, costs are coming down. It is some what crazy. Have to send you the link of the infrared capture from western mass with a red dragon on a freefly drone.

    Be well Laurence

  5. Gayle says:

    Impressive! If it’s not real, then it’s a studded photoshop.

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