Synchronicity vs. Angels


Philip Merry, who has a happy name, sent an e-mail to me and others that combines synchronicity and angels…and he wonders if synchronicity could be about angelic intervention. I’ll let him tell his story.


“I am currently doing my PhD on ‘Synchronicity and Leadership’ as well as running a global leadership consulting business. I am doing the PhD because I have in my own life come across many examples of out of the blue experiences that lead to synchronistic events. Carl Jung who gave us the term synchronicity said that synchronicity is the coming together of two events which are meaningful to the observer and a-causal in nature, meaning that event A did not cause event B in the logical sense.

“What I am interested in as well as the big synchronistic events which you will read more of once my dissertation is published, are the small supportive events that happen day by day. Small things that support you on your journey and take care of you.

“I call them everyday miracles.

“I hear the skeptics guffaw: ‘What, are you saying that you have a personal guardian angel?’

“Maybe I am saying exactly that. Let me give you an example.

“Yesterday I was traveling home from Guangzhou to Singapore. It had been a demanding two days conducting four long in-depth coaching sessions. On top of this I have hurt my knee, which meant that every step on my right foot sent a shockwave up my leg. Walking was difficult hence I had booked a wheelchair when I arrived at the airport in Guangzhou.

“I was on the return leg to Singapore and at the airport dragging myself the long distance to the gate. I was feeling sorry for myself, feeling unsupported and basically in a victim, “poor me” mode.

“As I arrived at the gate the young Singapore Airlines steward looked at my ticket and said, ‘Mr. Merry I see that you booked a wheelchair yesterday, would you like us to do the same when you arrive in Singapore?’ My first thought was, ‘Wow, their system allows them to track passengers who need additional help. Not only that, but they had a system allowing them to allocate one person to be looking out for me on arrival at the gate, and then book a wheelchair for me at Changi Airport.

“Thankfulness began to flood my body. I felt warm kindness from the young steward, and my victim mentality began to fade away.

“I walked towards the plane comforted, but still feeling raw and weak. I looked to my left at the bag a passenger was carrying. On the side of the bag were these words:

Always remember you’re braver than you believe

Stronger than you seem

Smarter than you think

And twice as beautiful as you’d ever imagined

“I can’t tell you how good reading these words made me feel. I felt strengthened immediately. Imagine the look of surprise in the woman’s eyes as I stopped her and asked if I could take a picture of the words on the side of her bag. Incredulous doesn’t really do justice to the look on her face.

“Could it be that I DO have a guardian angel? Could it be that I have somebody watching the smallest detail in my life and waiting to support me? What I can tell you is that right at that moment it felt that my guardian angel was real and true and I gave a heartfelt prayer to whatever divine force was making me the centre of their attention.

“My synchronicity fieldwork continues and within two years I hope to be finished. But I tell you I am both surprised and heartened by the amazing miracles that seem to be showing up in my life. Miracles both big and small.

“And here’s the thing: I don’t think I am the only one that has things like this happening to them. Maybe there is a guardian angel for all of us. Maybe there is synchronicity supporting and protecting us wherever we are.

“Do you have a guardian angel and mistakenly call them co-incidence?”

Philip Merry, CEO Global Leadership Academy, Singapore. –


Maybe the guardian angels put the ‘meaning’ in coincidences…making them synchronicities.

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4 Responses to Synchronicity vs. Angels

  1. natalie Thomas says:

    Yes, we are loved beyond measure, every moment of every day. 🙂

  2. Jane says:

    Woops! Instantly just had a synchro! I clicked on the link here about a female mystic where it mentions French artists & Emile Zola, this is moments after listening to a radio program about French artists & Emile Zola & wondering if I shd read Zola, who I haven’t read.

  3. Jane says:

    Since all are one & we are multidimensional, only the physical is locked into the narrow bandwidth of duality matrix – your guardian angel is an aspect of higher self as are Ascended masters & everything else we judge to be separate and outside of us. I have experienced incredible, unbelievable synchronicities in my life for 40 years now. Thanks for sharing your story. When struggling, even the smile from a stranger seems a gift ! Do get in touch Philip if you wd like examples of my astonishing synchronicities, many of which Trish and Rob have posted here and included in their books & more recently used by professor Beitman in his recent studies.

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