Parallel Worlds, Alternate Universes


It’s interesting how similar ideas and concepts come together from diverse sources. For instance, recently within an hour I experienced a collision of concepts about parallel or alternate universes.

First, the hard science part. I read this in Huffington Post.

“Alternate or parallel universes may actually exist, according to the findings of one astrophysicist, but many in the scientific community aren’t convinced.

“Ranga-Ram Chary, U.S. Planck Data Center’s project manager in California, recently discovered a “mysterious glow” by mapping the Cosmic Microwave Background, otherwise known as the light that was left over from a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang.

“Ordinarily, Chary would have found nothing “except noise.” But the spots of light were 4,500 times  brighter than they should have been.

“Chary concluded that the glow could represent matter from another universe ‘leaking’ or colliding into ours. This would validate the hypothesis that our universe is merely “a region within an eternally inflating super-region,”  said Chary in an Astrophysical Journal study published in September.

“Cosmologists have speculated about multiple universes for years, but have thus far been unable to prove their existence. Chary’s research is therefore significant because it could lend credence to the theory that cosmic inflation—which is the notion that the universe began inflating right after the Big Bang — led to multiple universes.

“However, this type of claim would require a very high burden of proof. Chary admits that there’s a 30 percent chance that the glow is nothing out of the ordinary.”


So that must mean there’s 70 percent chance that the glow is a window to alternate universes. If that’s the case, then the odds are with the multi-verse. Of course this is from mainstream science so there’s no talk about the role of consciousness, which from the materialistic view places consciousness as an outgrowth of the brain. In other words, intelligence and awareness are manifested from the physical realm.

But when we look into alternate worlds from the point of view of theoretical quantum physics things become far more mystically oriented, with consciousness becoming the defining element of reality, and all physical existence emerging from consciousness, or Source energy.

Just before reading the Huffington Post article, I’d been consuming a chapter from Robert Moss’s book, The Boy Who Died and Came Back: Adventures of a Dream Archaeologist in the Multiverse. This paragraph caught my attention:

“Physics tells us that it is probable that all of us are living in this moment, in one of a possibly infinite number of parallel universes, that every move we make (or fail to make) causes our world to split, through we rarely, if ever, notice. How can we gain experiential knowledge of the Many Worlds? How can we possibly use such knowledge? Through dreaming, and above all by becoming active dreamers.”

Moss began that chapter with a quote from William James. Our normal waking consciousness, rational consciousness as we call it, is but one special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting their existence; but apply the requisite stimulus, and at a touch they are there in all their completeness.”

I wonder how long it will take before mainstream science recognizes the rightful role of consciousness. Science supposedly is not a belief system and explores all options. Yet, when it comes to consciousness and extrasensory perception, scientists vigilantly protect their set of rules about the nature of reality, and often scorn those who suggest that science has become a cult with it’s own beliefs.



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8 Responses to Parallel Worlds, Alternate Universes

  1. c.j. cannon says:

    I know. And this is the reason I was able to share my experience here….because I have the awareness that it is accepted here with no debunking or negativity from others. This is a blessing that the MacGregors provide on this blog….that those of us who come here may speak of matters we do not feel free to speak of elsewhere. It’s a gift you give to us, and is deeply appreciated!

  2. c.j. cannon says:

    I can’t think of another place except here on this blog where I can share ..or at least TRY…to share the inexplicable life-altering piece of the experience without being ridiculed. My friend’s name is Bruce; in this incarnation, he was a very fine physician and transitioned from Alzheimer’s. In the experience, as I mentioned, both Bruce and I were completely, totally corporeal, not etheric, not astral, but truly physical. In my attempts to understand the dynamics of the experience, I’ve thought perhaps a deceased individual probably has the ability to somehow “pull” or “re-create”, temporarily, the fragments of his or her physical image as a means of being recognized? That didn’t feel quite right. So, here is the most important essence of the experience: Bruce and I were standing face each other, very close together. Our palms were laid against each other’s, palm to palm, and we looked deeply into each other’s eyes. As we did this, we gradually MELDED into each other, from the crown of our heads to the tips of our toes, and became not two separate entities but instead, ONE entity, and we no longer had our physical bodies but were instead some kind of blinding radiant LIGHT.A single, blinding radiant Light. The feeling is impossible to even begin to describe. There are no words to describe it, and I’ve stopped trying to describe it. But…it has brought to my mind questions about the manner in which alien abductions occur; I’ve been moved through solid walls and locked windows,
    etc., which means the atoms and molecules of this physical body must be disassembled and re-assembled, because physical matter cannot pass thru solid matter. During my experience with Bruce, did my atoms and molecules of physical matter disassemble, allowing me to become One with him in whatever dimension he is
    occupying? In the initial stage of the melding, it seemed that our physical bodies
    “slid” together, creating ONE Being, and then we shifted somehow into that mass of exquisite radiance. I wonder if anyone else has ever had such an experience? It DID happen, and it wasn’t my imagination or a lucid dream or even a sleeping dream. I so very much want to be THERE again, wherever THERE is………

    • Rob and Trish says:

      No one here ever ridicules what someone else writes about a personal experience! It’s all valid and adds to our knowledge, that’s how we see it, CJ. Thanks for your input.

  3. Jane says:

    Scientists at CERN admitted they were trying to break thru to a parallel universe, so I think even hard science is beggining to acknowledge there are parallel universes but generally I think science has hardened into dogma & not always open enquiry. It makes me laugh that scientists often “find something that shouldn’t be there” as if the entire universe is governed by man made laws of physics!
    I see & often experience it like this ”
    You Exist Simultaneously throughout the Universe
    Because time and other limitations don’t really exist, souls are able to incarnate simultaneously into numerous timeframes and dimensions. As we move further into the awakening process, we gain awareness of other aspects of our selves simultaneously existing throughout the universe. Some of these aspects are incarnated into physical reality in other timeframes – both past and future – and some aspects reside in other locations in the universe serving as soul guides, spirit helpers and originators of new realities. As we accept that our other aspects exist, we develop the potential for communication and sharing with these aspects.”

  4. Ray G says:

    I have often wondered if I am real or just a figment of my own imagination. If I am real is there anything real around the corner or beyond my ability to see and hear. It doesn’t happen often, but at times it becomes an obsession.

  5. c.j. cannon says:

    This is such a compelling subject. Recently I had an experience for which there is no reasonable, logical explanation except that there MUST BE parallel and/or multiple dimensions. My experience was not a sleeping dream nor a lucid dream or anything I’ve encountered in the past. Without going into details, I found myself present….tangibly, corporeal, flesh and blood physically present, together in some “space”, in some “dimension”, with a very close friend who died on June 16, 2013, so he has been Elsewhere for more than two years, yet in that dimension where we were, he was as corporeal as I was. I understand this sounds impossible, or questions my sanity. But it did happen. The incident was as real as I am sitting in this chair, and the experience we shared was beyond any possible description, Ultimately, I have no choice but to truly accept the existence of multiple dimensions and probably parallel dimensions, where we may occasionally find ourselves under certain circumstances. Whatever the exact explanation, the event changed or at least ADDED another layer to my personal concepts of Life and of Consciousness. It also added to my perceptions of what may happen to our Consciousness when we shed the human
    shell at death….that there MUST BE many, many dimensions or spaces where the Soul may go after permanently leaving the current, local individuation.

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