Harrison Ford synchronicity

This one is from Terri Patrick, another blogger:

My husband Ed, had his private pilot license for about ten years when he decided to get his tail-dragger endorsement. Imagine the type of airplanes used in old movies, where the tail of the plane bumps on grass, with a small wheel. Ed set up a schedule, with the instructor Damien, for these lessons. During the middle of Ed’s lessons, Damien called to reschedule Ed’s flying time because Damien had a special client. Only later did Ed learn, that client was Harrison Ford. We watched the movie, “Six Days, Seven Nights” with an added interest.

In October 2006, Ed was in Minneapolis to teach a class, to coworkers, for his company. After a large and lively dinner, Ed went to work out, planning to return to his hotel room and prepare for the three day presentation. In shorts, sneakers, and sweaty t-shirt, Ed agreed to join the group in the bar for a glass of orange juice. Minutes later, Harrison Ford walked into the bar. Ed quickly introduced himself and their connection with Damien, and their tail-dragger endorsements, at Andover Aeroflex. For the next hour, Ed and Harrison talked about airplanes and the EAA Young Eagles program. They compared notes on airports they knew in New Jersey and Oregon. Harrison mentioned plans about building an airpark in Oregon, Ed admitted he wanted to live on one.

Eventually they shook hands and Ed went to his room. He made a few phone calls remarking how quiet and nice Harrison Ford is, as a person. Ed also mentioned, whatever they do in movies is magic, because until now, he didn’t realize Harrison Ford had a big nose. The next morning, as Ed waited for his coworkers to settle in for the class, he was told, Mr. Ford was looking for him.

Three months later, I met with a friend, Leslie Zemenek, who is a professional palmist, astrologer, and life counselor. It was my annual check-in on my stars and life path. This was an important meeting, because my parents had died months earlier, and I had put my fiction projects on hold, to write my parents love story. I was also questioning the value of continuing to work as a technical writer. For me, Leslie will even pull out The Tarot. One of the cards she interpreted as, “a man at the top of his game”, will take interest in my story.

I laughed and told her how Ed had drinks with Harrison Ford. Leslie stated, “Maybe he’ll play your dad in the movie.” This felt good. Dad was a man, who knew his purpose, generated trust in all he met, and followed his own path. This is the same type of energy Harrison Ford brings, to characters he portrays, in movies. Cool. We moved on through the psychic reading. Eventually, Leslie stated, I need to make sure my dad is OK with being famous, since he was a pretty humble guy in life. I would have to trust the language of synchronicity through prayer. I asked for a sign that daddy was OK with being famous and included the request, to recognize the meaning, of the sign. I also made choices those next two years, that have put me in contact with more men “at the top of his game” in the world of publishing, instead of technology.

This past week I posted a short story to my blog and Rob MacGregor asked me to clarify why I used the word synchronicity in my post, because he didn’t see the connection. As I replied to Rob, Ed left to drive out to our new property, on an airpark. After posting my reply, I followed the link and saw Rob adapted the script for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. I burst out laughing because I’m adapting a manuscript for my screenwriting class and the romance has a flavor of “Alice in Wonderland meets Indiana Jones”. Suddenly all these Harrison Ford connections, over many years, were brilliant, connected.

Do I think this means Mr. Ford will discover my story and play Daddy in the movie? No, I am not a visionary and those are human choices and actions, not images of divine dictates. Is Daddy OK with being famous? Yes, but I already knew that from signs two years ago. Have I been led to new authors and men at the top of their game? Absolutely! All too obvious. Synchronicity for me is usually a personal message and requires contemplation to make the connection.

This past week, two people stated they would promote my memoir of my parents through their Disability and Veteran organizations. Both have a distribution list of 14,000. When numbers repeat it means, pay attention! However, I just received my memoir back from a reader who stated I need to work on my grammar and the time sequence of events for some of my stories. Her other comment was, I need to be more obvious, about the message or lesson, of the story. As I puzzled the meaning of all this synchronicity I did some yard work because doing something helps me. My mind mulled the connection between Ed, Harrison Ford, and Dad. Then there was something about the number 14.

Suddenly I got it. Dad and Mr. Ford both have big Roman Noses. Dad had the reading comprehension of a 14 year old. The answer is, my stories have to be as clear as the nose on his face and entertaining and understandable for a 14 year old reader, even if the more discerning reader sees a deeper message. I know this is the message because, I laughed when I got it! Daddy has a sense of humor. I won’t discredit there are more messages – in all these events – but that’s the one for today.

Terri Patrick

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2 Responses to Harrison Ford synchronicity

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    From Dale Dassel:
    That must have been pretty cool to actually hang out with Harrison Ford and just talk shop about airplanes and flying. Ironic, too, considering Indy’s reply to Willie in Temple of Doom:

    “You know how to fly, don’t you?”
    “No. Do you?”

    and then to his dad in Last Crusade:

    “I didn’t know you could fly a plane!”
    Fly, yes. Land – no.”

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Besides the Harrison Ford-Indy synchronicity, Terri mentions synchronicity with the number 14. Interestingly, that’s the same number that Maria wrote about in her post, called Number Synchronicity.

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