Jasper and the gyro

Jim on left, NASA Gyroscope below

Here’s a new tale from Jim Banholzer, who keeps the folks in Idaho aware of synchronicity.
I have a friend who enjoys adventuring into the great outdoors in pursuit of collecting rocks and gems. Some of her finds she turns into jewelry, which fits well on her, when she dons it at her waitress job. We’ve talked about how sunlight after hard rains creates optimum field conditions for finding obsidian and crystals, as they sometimes stand out like tiny stars.

One early morning, after sharing a raindrop of synchronicity with her, I asked her about her own meaningful coincidences. She responded that recently, after showing off a homemade jasper necklace to some inquisitive customers, she told them on a whim, that if she ever has a son, she would love to name him “Jasper.” Within the hour a young lad of about seven entered the diner with his family, and introduced himself as Jasper!

Soon after, she mentioned another significant twist of fate. In this case, while moving some items into her new home, she came upon an old notebook, which had leafed open to a page featuring the word “gyroscope” scribbled in her own ancient handwriting. As she pondered why she had written this singular word on the yellowed sheet, a song came over the radio, with the male singer’s voice synchronously crooning, “gyroscope.”

Next, my friend told me that she had been staying up late,until three in morning for several days, in intense preparation to get her move finished, before school restarts. According to her schedule, it looks like when school starts, she’ll need to be either studying or working almost every waking moment, leaving no time for her earthly rock hunting pursuits.

This sounded stressful and I spent some time contemplating my friend’s dilemma. An hour or two later, I re-entered the cafeteria with an interpretation of her gyroscope synchronicity. I mentioned that gyroscopes are used for keeping balance and that if two gyroscopes were mysteriously spinning for her at the same time, than maybe the universe was prompting her to become better balanced and get a little more sleep, so she doesn’t crash. I explained how gyroscopes are used in Segways–personal transporters–to help keep them upright. This reminded her that a Segway brushed by her closely during our local Wagon Days parade, only days before,though she was unaware it contained a hidden gyroscope.

As Segways are seldom seen in our valley, it made the three-point synchronicity feel as precious as her jasper necklace and we agreed that synchronicity rocks as much as a field of shining gem-stars.

This entry was posted in balance, gems, gyroscope, names, rocks. Bookmark the permalink.

22 Responses to Jasper and the gyro

  1. JBanholzer says:


    Thank you. And you may also enjoy this puzzle:


  2. Toumai says:

    oh and Jim, love your cryptic mind.

  3. Toumai says:

    Actually Trish and Rob, that was Jim- his idea. But I think you should consider it. I think at the very least, this would broaden the smile from the inner world of our collective consciousness ;-)(-;

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting idea, Toumai. Maybe we'll give threes a shot over the weekend!

  5. JBanholzer says:


    Thank you for your interpretations and owl-medicine-level insights.

    I poached the gyroscope photo from NASA, which I figure our tax $$$$$$$$’s paid for anyway.

    As far as synchronicities branching out from other coincidences; your 3+3=8 experience on this blog reminds me of the time I commented on Max Action’s two teapots story and suddenly realized that I had previously commented on a Minnesota newspaper story involving his phantasmagoric explorations in a 19th century Banholzer brewery cave, beneath St. Paul’s streets. In fact, I was the only person to comment on the story in the eight years it’s been posted.

    Regarding my earlier Cat Steven’s extract, I find it interesting that my friend’s gyroscope synchronicity came into effect during this classical shift of seasons & day / night balance. I told her I was writing a story about her experience and intend to show it to her tomorrow, along with everybody’s comments here. So thank you Macgregor’s and everybody else for your interest!

    And now for a suggestion: I would like to see somebody take the number 3 and hold it up to a mirror, so it creates an eight, and then capture it in a photograph. If such an image is done with the right background effects, it might be a photo interesting enough for the MacGregors to consider for posting on their blog here, perhaps with some brief commentary on mirror images and smiley upside-down clown frowns…

  6. Toumai says:

    okay, now I'll never get clowns out of my head, but if I'm gonna see clowns, those are definitel the kind I like to see.

    Sure could use those clowns in my ball court. Heck maybe I'll trade in my dog costume and dress as a clown for the trial.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    If we're going to get into clowns here, you've got see the best clown story of the year. Rob


  8. Toumai says:

    To be quite honest, I don't think people would generally see what I see… the ad was so colourful and the dance was so full of amazing 'shock and awe' eye catching energy. Who would notice the tongue in cheek slam dunk?!!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Have never seen that ad, Toumai. But what a weird ad to use to sell a product! Of any kind!

  10. Toumai says:

    Its all so interesting, but I can't seem to get the clown image out of my head.

    Strangely, what comes to mind is an odd tv commercial that I can't get out of my mind (though I can't remember what was being sold). What I do remember are the figures and what was transpiring. They were 2 pantomime clowns dancing along on either side of a busy street, with the male on one side and the female on the other. They seem to be taking turns, with one jiving along for a bit and then the other following suit. Finally they came somewhat closer with the female dancing on the roof of a car. She hasn't finished her sequence when the male suddenly jumps on the hood of the car so that the female clown is sent flying… she doesn't come back down and the male clown has a little unsettling smirk on his face.

    I was not left with a good feeling… as though there is a terrible imbalance.

  11. JBanholzer says:

    Yusuf Islam (the musician formerly known as Cat Stevens) reminds us of the balance shift coming around again in form of the autumnal equinox: From his Wednesday blog, Yusuf observes,

    “Technically, an equinox is an astronomical point and, due to the fact that the earth wobbles on its axis slightly (rather like a top that’s slowing down), the date may vary by a few days depending on the year. The autumnal equinox occurs when the sun crosses the equator on its apparent journey southward, and we experience a day and a night that are of equal duration. Up until Harvest Home, the hours of daylight have been greater than the hours from dusk to dawn. But from now on, the reverse holds true. Astrologers know this as the date on which the sun enters the sign of Libra, the Balance (an appropriate symbol of a balanced day and night).”

    But let’s not stop here. Look at what other oracles there are…

    “It is the time of the year when night conquers day. And as I have recently shown in my seasonal reconstruction of the Welsh myth of Blodeuwedd, the Autumnal Equinox is the only day of the whole year when Llew (light) is vulnerable and it is possible to defeat him. Llew now stands on the balance (Libra/autumnal equinox), with one foot on the cauldron (Cancer/summer solstice) and his other foot on the goat (Capricorn/winter solstice). Thus he is betrayed by Blodeuwedd, the Virgin (Virgo) and transformed into an Eagle (Scorpio).”


  12. Toumai says:

    my interpretation for what its worth, is that this inner world is calling for balance, which is in keeping Jim's interpretation for his friend, but now we are to take this smaller message and expand on it– to strive for another kind of balance that will bring us full "circle"… making us "whole" (how effective is half a "wheel"), we are being asked to make a turn, to bring us in alignment with this other world… we are being encouraged to make interpretations not only on the singular level, but on the collective level.

  13. Marja says:

    It is precious isn't it I always get very excited as well when I suspect synchronisity

  14. Intuitive Girl says:

    I love it. Answers are everywhere if we can just take the time to see them.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    But Rob added his new pic above from Facebook.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Calling Jim,calling Jim! The photo came from Jim.

  17. Toumai says:

    and to top it off, I just noticed the time of my comment above 3:33 (my computer says 4:36)

  18. Toumai says:

    Just to make sure its straight, I'm not at all proposing to changes Jim's original interpretation which makes perfect sense.

    I am pointing out though, what appears to be another synchronicity branching from Jim's story. I'm not sure if the picture came from Jim, but this certainly added another twist. Also you may want to check out Jim and my (recent) comments re: your previous days post… I don't know but we seem to be reading each others thoughts?!

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hmm. We better ask Jim!

  20. Toumai says:

    wonky picture… first impression was that it looked like the animated eyes and nose of a clown. I usually pay attention to these odd ball impressions which might be influences from the 3+3=8 'artsy fartsy' world of synchronicity.

    I think that Jim's interpretation of his friend's synchronicity is bang on. But now in light of your picture, the 'voice of synchronicity' may be embellishing… encouraging us to dig deeper.

    So, etymology check on the word "gyro" brings me full circle to the word "circus"– from Proto Indo European (PIE)base "(s)ker"- meaning to turn, bend. I also look up "clown" and find a possible link to Latin "colonus" (meaning colonist… farmer)and when I look up "colon" and "colony" and 'colon", I find old meanins such as "to bend", "cycle" and "wheel"– from PIE base "kwel".

    Just throwing that out there.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Great story. I think it shows the ways synchronicity happen in the course of daily life.

  22. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat story – love especially the real story of jim's friend with her jewelry and day job and love of all else! great post –

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