Weird Indiana Jones Synchro

E-books have been around for years now and Trish and I have gotten most of our old out-of-print books available through Kindle and other formats. There’s one big exception. None of my seven Indiana Jones novels have made the transition. I keep thinking that’s going to change. Every so often – like every other year – I go into the Kindle Store on and take a look.

The last time I did so, it was business as usual, none of my Indiana Jones novels were available – though they are still available in print editions. But there was another book that caught my attention. As you can see from the cover, it appears to be an Indiana Jones-like illustrated story for kids. But look at the author’s name – my last name combined with the first name of one of the characters in the first three movies – Marcus Brody, Indy’s mentor and museum director. I thought the name might be a one-time pseudonym, but I Googled Marcus MacGregor and there is a writer of young adult books by that name.

This seems to qualify as a combination of digital library angel and trickster synchronicity. In other words, I went into Kindle looking for my Indy books, so the digital library angel tossed me a bone. ‘I don’t see yours, but take a look at this one!’ When I did, I could hear the chuckle of the trickster in the background.


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6 Responses to Weird Indiana Jones Synchro

  1. Dale Dassel says:

    I feel sorry for Mark because whips are expensive! A quality custom-made 12 to 16-plait kangaroo bullwhip will set you back $300-$900, depending on the maker’s expertise and reputation. I hope Mark was toting a cheap Mexican-made cowhide bullwhip! Much easier to replace without breaking the bank! 🙂

  2. Adelita says:

    Love the story; wonder where it might lead you, Rob? Best to you and Trish.

  3. Haha! Have to be so careful what we ask the universe for.

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