Noah’s B-day Synchro


I recently posted this image on my FB page with the message: Happy b-day, Noah. Age 7 and looking good. Noah attracted a surprising number of likes and a few comments.

Then I received a series of private messages from FB friend Fiona. She began by asking me:

“Would you like to hear about how you were either part of a synchronicity today, or were helpful in getting a message to someone from spirit?”

A few minutes later, the followup message arrived:

“I have a friend who lost her son, Noah, 8 years ago. He was 7 years old. She just phoned me this morning to tell me that she has breast cancer. The very second that she phoned me, I opened up my Facebook account and your post, saying happy b-day to Noah, seven years old and looking good, was the VERY FIRST POST that I saw, the very second that I heard her voice on the line. Also, Noah died on his 7th birthday. I told her what I was seeing even before she told me her news.

“She and I both think that it was a message from Noah, just showing that he is around, and still able to see what is going on in his parent’s lives.”

Definitely a meaningful coincidence. In this case, it wasn’t my synchronicity. Instead, I conveyed information that someone else saw at a critical moment and passed the information on to a third party, the mother of Noah, who died on his seventh birthday.  It’s interesting how these things come together…and in this case right at the precise moment.

Of course I can’t forget the roles played by Noah, our big red Golden, and Trish. Noah posed on the pipe, and Trish snapped the photo with her phone. It all came together.


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6 Responses to Noah’s B-day Synchro

  1. The world moves in mysterious ways, we never fully know how we are being used by the ‘universe’ at times.

  2. Nancy says:

    Our world works in such mysterious ways. What a wonderful syncho for that mother.

  3. c.j. says:

    Beautiful/happy/sad story. Your Noah looks like a Red Setter in this photo. He is gorgeous!

  4. This a tears-to-my eyes synchro. Love it.

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