Jenean’s UFO and MIBs

Photo taken 1957-58, Edwards Air Force Base
This synchronicity is from Gypsy Woman, whose stories we have posted before – here and here. Her synchronicities are always richly textured, complex, and intriguing. This one is no exception!
In the late 60s, Jenean and her children were traveling by bus from Little Rock to Monroe, in northeastern Louisiana. The bus was full, so they had to share seats. Her son, five at the time, was sitting next to the window. On a rural stretch of road between Sterlington and Monroe, which were about 15 miles apart, her son tugged on her arm, drawing her attention to the window.

“I looked up and there, in the sky over the fields beside us, was a huge object – an unidentified flying object. I remember being so startled that I closed my eyes and then reopened them to make sure I was really seeing what I knew I was seeing. Sure enough, the UFO was still there and the other passengers on that side of the bus were all looking at it, talking about it. Passengers from across the aisle got out of their seats and crowded into the aisle to see it better. By then, there was a lot of commotion – people wanted to get off the bus, passengers telling the driver to drive faster (which he did), and all the while my children and I are watching it, spellbound.

“It seemed to be moving very slowly, parallel to us, very low in the sky. Low enough for us to see it out the window without straining to look upward. I can’t say how far away it was, but I can say it was close enough that the textured surface of the body was visible.

“I remember trying to memorize all the details of the craft – its size, shape, color, how it moved. It made no sound, none at all. No engines were visible. No wings. There was nothing at all characteristic of a plane. Its size was at least that of a football field. It was oval/circular, with a domed top. Think of a donut with a glass dome. But it was more oval than round. The glass seemed clear, but I don’t remember being able to see through it. There was a row of what appeared to be windows or lights encircling the bottom of the domed top. The object’s body was gray, like a battleship, and not shiny. I remember there was what seemed to be a bit of “texture” or “mottling” to the matte finish – almost like old cast iron cookware looks.”

“The UFO continued moving alongside us for quite a distance, more than just a few minutes. Then, just as suddenly as it had appeared beside us, it made a 45 degree turn to then right and upward and was totally out of sight instantly. I mean, it literally zoomed! away. And still, there was no sound. The bus was now traveling at a high rate of speed as the driver really was attempting to out run it and most passengers were anywhere from hysterical to more hysterical.

“By the time we pulled into the Monroe station, there were already news reporters there. I just wanted to get my children and leave, to get away from it all. By then, I felt fearful about the experience – as if “they” were “looking for me.” This feeling was overwhelming. As a matter of fact, I left the station without even getting our luggage. We took a taxi straight to my mother’s house, but even then, by fear didn’t subside. I desperately wanted to flee – literally – to somewhere that my children and I could not be found.

“To this day, I am unsure of my profound reaction. I had grown up having seen UFOs in our many travels, they were discussed by our parents. UFOs were nothing new to me. Yet, I’d never responded with anything but total curiosity before. This experience was my first up close and personal encounter. There was absolutely NO doubt what this object was, let alone what it was not. It was daytime, clear.

“Shortly after our arrival, my mother’s phone begin to ring – reporters and law enforcement. Several days later, several men dressed all in black – I kid you not – came knocking on the door to interview me. They identified themselves as being with Wright Patterson Air Force Base. I told them what I saw and they had me draw a diagram of the object. I did so. They took it with them. At least one of the men gave me a business card when I asked for it. Some time later, when I phoned the number on the card, there was no such number. I called the base direction, but no one had heard of the person for whom I asked.

“Some of the news reports identified this “object” – seen by a bus full of people – as nothing more than a “smoke cloud” emanating from an industrial site in Sterlington.”

Okay, here comes the synchronicity. As Jenean was editing this story for her blog, her house phone rang – which she and her family never used – and the incoming call was unidentified and from Ohio. “We don’t know anyone in Ohio, have no business there. The only association I have with Ohio is that it’s where Wright Patterson Air Force Base is located. When I answered the phone, no one there.”

Apparently, Wright Patterson AFB is well known in UFO lore. Project Blue Book, the Air Force’s “official” investigation of the UFO phenomenon (1947-1969) was headquartered at Wright-Patterson. According to UFO researchers and theorists, this base, along with the Groom Lake/Area51 installation in Nevada, is where wreckage of the Roswell UFO crash was shipped via a B-29. Everything was allegedly placed in Hangar 18.
Message to Aleksandar:

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22 Responses to Jenean’s UFO and MIBs

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    really intriguing take on the circles, trish – one i'd not considered, actually – but so true that there are many many missing pieces – hmmm…another talking past midnight topic…

  2. Toumai says:

    I guess it really doesn't matter 'where' the language of synchronicity… or crop circles actually come from. But the fact that it's there is unquestionable.

    From my perspective (no one else has to agree… but let me simply state my peace) the puzzle pieces of the larger picture fit perfectly, like a little glass slipper.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I've suspected for awhile that crop circles are more about energy from the so-called 'dead' than aliens, but maybe it's a combination. One thing is for certain: we only have a few puzzle pieces of the big picture and we're still trying to piece them together while searching for missing pieces.

  4. Toumai says:

    Cath and I do a cryptoquote every morning. Today's was:
    "People down South are incredibly polite, even their war was civil"– by Dudly Moore

    This got me thinking and it suddenly occured to me that what if this obviously powerful lot (UFO's and Crop Circle creators) are in fact trying to help and reach out to us. Of course if they suspect that we will simply go into a wild panic and take up arms they may simply shrug their shoulders and wash their hands and be on their way.

    Perhaps the inner twin world realizes this as well as the great danger that exists for us and so the race is now on to help us be more civiled and approachable (hence synchronicity… wings). It seems to be more likely when you consider that enough show of 'power' has been established to strongly suggest to us that we could have been wiped out long ago… but this is not the case… so, think life saving force and keeping a cool head!!

  5. Toumai says:

    I certainly understand what it is to live in fear, I also understand what it feels like to feel helpless while certain powers that be have had their way while many others watch on the sidelines (equally helpless). Nobody wants to stand up to the likes of that kind of corrupt powerful force.

    One of the things I could not afford to do was give in to fear. I wanted to collapse but didn't dare. I had to stand my ground and come to terms that this was somehow the only hope. I had to make the choice of risking all for the slim chance of saving all.

    In the process (and its still ongoing) fear became my friend… magnifying my abilities so that I am more aware of my surroundings and also enabled me to see the "language of synchronicity" in a profound way. I have made some major discoveries… and my experience and fight has uncovered a hornets nest of illegal activity (at the conglomerate level!!).

    All of this came from the inner world and it still is guiding me along… brought me here to this group where the collective message (and there is one) could perhaps grow and flourish.

    I believe in non violent direct action– it worked for Ghandi and all of India… and that's enough for me! That is the way we need to evolve… to find creative non violent ways to deal with our fears (real or otherwise)… keeping our heads and standing together is one sure way.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nicely put, Gypsy! Fear – of anything – is the great inhibitor.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i would like to just interject a bit here on the element of "fear" to which toumai refers – for each of us as we experience the unfamiliar, the unknown, of course, our own particular life experiences impact upon our response/reaction to those new experiences –

    at the time i witnessed this daylight ufo, my children were very young and i had not only just gone through a horrific divorce which had been so difficult that i had actually moved to another state with my children – i had also gone through a very harrowing near-death medical situation –

    also, as a child of the 40's-50's my school days were filled with the drama of THE BOMB looming imminently and daily rehearsals of diving under our desks, covering our heads with our hands – my family traveled very frequently and while we had seen "ufo's" in the night skies particularly across the southwest, they were just that: in the skis [not outside a window]-

    the other contributing factor is one of societal and/or individual awareness and enlightenment of the times – or the lack thereof, as in the case of metaphysics, ufo's, etc – certainly, as aware and enlightened as i like to believe i was, and know that i was, even as a child, the societal norm of the period did not allow for even the slightest variation from that "norm" – things which did not conform were "not good" – and, while i also have been anything BUT a conformist, there was, i am sure that element of "not good" borne by any experience not within the realm of "norm" – all of which contributed to the overall painting of the experience – unfortunately – and which is why it was years before I ever told my story to anyone –

    and so, on that day, in the bus, with my children, when this ufo appeared in broad daylight, physically removed from the skies far away, it was in a different context than any i had ever experienced or imagined – and notwithstanding that my children and i were the ones who sat "spellbound" watching the ufo – the bottom line is that, aside from the wonder of it all, i did, in fact, experience "fear" in those moments and days that marked this sighting – and i have thought of that frequently over the years – frequently – the factor of "fear" associated with something about which all my life i have thought and marveled – have been in awe of – and remain in awe of –

    part of the equation on that moment in time is that, having been through what i had in my life with my children, it would not have made a bit of difference to me what appeared out the window of the bus – anything at all that even remotely represented any kind of disruption of life for my children was something i would avoid at all costs – nothing – NO-THING was going to disrupt our lives in any way for any reason again – but that is just a partial conclusion, the remainder being the obvious issue of the subject matter – an up close and personal ufo –

    i understand toumai's remark about it being "fear unfortunately that makes us react by taking up arms and send a message that we are unapproachable" – which is why i have told my story here in the first place – in a public forum – to hopefully help demystify the "mystery" – to "normalize" that which is thought to not be "normal" – to humanize that which is thought not to be "human" – to clarify where there is so much muddled mis-information – to illuminate where there is such darkness –

    it is in forums such as this that each of us, individually – and collectively – can bring about awareness – can bring about understanding – can bring about knowledge over mis-information – can bring clarity over muddled misconception – and, thus, with exposure to the truth, to the reality of such experiences, eliminate, at least to some degree, that element of fear – fear that can be and often is immobilizing – fear that can be and often is a barrier to knowledge and to understanding and to enlightenment – for us all –

  8. Toumai says:

    what is there to fight, their technology is obviously superior whoever they are (yes who!). 'THEY' watch us, what do we do… we watch indirectly from below (were the new kids on the block here).

  9. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Well, little green people could have learned our language(s) good enough to say hello. To Jeff – fireballs are weird because they fly like airplanes (they definitely don't behave like lightnings). I have heard a story about a close encounter with a fireball and it was just that – a strange ball that had come out of nowhere, then disappeared. The one I saw looked huge (I suppose its size was between a chair and a spaceship with a bunch of aliens inside).

  10. Anonymous says:

    If they aren't out there, then what have people been seeing for all these decades?

  11. Marlene says:

    I believe they are out there visiting here and also among with us..I wonder if they are as advanced as we persume they are, if they interfere in the background with people's life or even politics…I also wonder what the plan is they have…why they come here..I have a reaction to them also just like Jenean..I am afraid they would be after me for some logic to it but that would be my reaction flight!!

  12. Jeff says:

    One of the strangest things about most UFOs is the fact that so many of them apparently make no sound. I've been researching UFO stories for years now, and I'd estimate that in at least 90% of the stories I've heard, the witnesses describe the UFO as being silent. Whether or not the UFOs are alien technology, or top secret technologies of our own, I'm curious as to how they make them silent. If it's our own technology, the government has certainly kept the technology a secret for a very long time.

    And Aleksander mentioned seeing a fireball UFO….I rarely hear anyone mention sightings of a fireball UFO. I find the fireball UFOs to be interesting because I have seen two of them myself(I wrote about my sighting on my blog not to long ago: I really wonder what it is I saw, considering whatever I saw is apparently very rarely ever seen.

    The men in black element and mysterious phone call really make this story eerie. Really makes you wonder what's out there and why they want to keep it hidden…whoever "they" are.

  13. Toumai says:

    Food for thought. Why do we always assume that UFO's (or deities for that matter) are from somewhere in never reach land…outer space? Why not from our own planet?

    Let's do a little skeptics corner "what if". What if certain ancient "powers that be" decided to go underground… or undersea… or underice… you know, to get away from the witch hunts and other travesties that plague our world more often than not.

    Let's just say that this secret society were "super mediums/genius" types that at one time had begun to seek each other out from all the lands (hmmm, like the three Magi… hey why not, don't birds of a feather flock together?!).

    What if their society grew, with technology increasing well beyond what 'we' have? What if they're trying to tell us this in a roundabout way with things like crop circles. An interesting tidbit that I've read on the subject is that within crop circles it has been noted that grain seeds have actually been "removed", leaving behind the damaged stalk and the lovely designs.

    This is interesting… makes one wonder if they are leaving a message, and stealing their food at the same time (put a whole new meaning to food for thought).

    But don't get me wrong, I believe in other intelligent beings (with much greater intelligence) in the great without (outer space) AND the great within (inner space). I also believe in time travel and the parallel dimensions that this would create. Existence is not flat and linear, it is multi- dimensional.

    And they won't speak our 'baby talk', we need to strive to learn their language just as our children learn ours. The language is all around us. That's why I like this group… for daring to open doors… just wish it were a bit faster.

    I'm sorry that Jenean had to fear for the safety of her children… but seriously, there was probably more to fear from the bus driver getting in an accident. Its that fear unfortunately that makes us react by taking up arms and send a message that we are unapproachable. Perhaps we are constantly being tested for our reactions… and perhaps we are going through a great evolutionary leap that they (whoever) are watching, waiting for and helping to bring about.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh, area 51, right near your back yard, Nancy.

  15. Nancy says:

    Well you know my story. I am a believer.

    Living in Nevada, it has been a too common sight. The last one I saw was hovering right next to a busy street in Reno. My daughter was with me and we were both amazed to see all these cars just driving along. It was round with lights all around. Just hovering over Carpeteria. By the time I flipped a U-turn, it was gone.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Well said, Jim. Speaking of G-O-D, some people attribute synchronicities to the hand of God. There's at least one such book: When God Winks.

    While I believe that's true in a general sense, as in the idea that God is everywhere and everything, I think that sermonizing God into the synchronicity picture just confuses things.

    It tends to wrap synchronicity in the cloak of religion and differing beliefs – my religion vs. yours and all the disasters that go with that endless saga of hatred against those who are different. To that point, if you actively associate synchronicity with God, someone surely will come along and call it the devil's work.

    I recently heard synchronicity described as religion without a church. I beg to differ. Religion typically is based on faith whereas synchronicity is all about experience. In that sense, we are all priests and priestesses of synchronicity – although I'd rather be a shaman! – Rob

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm with you, whip warrior. I'd be delighted to find a UFO on my front lawn, but would pass out if something emerged from it!

  18. Jim Magee says:

    GypsyWoman – I loved your story. Even though I personally have never seen a UFO, doesn't mean I don't believe they exist. Exist they do indeed. I've also have never seen GOD personally, but I still believe GOD exists! It never fails to amaze me, the amount of people who are stuck in their own little bubble of humanity, without a clue as to what's going on around them. Having the consuming audacity to actually think that GOD would create, only us here on Earth, and no other life forms anywhere else in the universe, quite frankly baffles me! As if GOD would give control of the universe to a warring, selfish planet and people – is in itself a paradox!

  19. whipwarrior says:

    Whether they are authentic interdimensional UFOs or classified Area 51 reverse-engineered alien spacecraft, I am a true believer. I've often thought about what my reaction might be to actually witness a UFO, and it would likely be one of galvanized terror because I would be looking at something that technically should not exist. Still, I find the subject endlessly fascinating to study.

    P.S.- I love your picture, Rob!

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    Mr. Malecic:
    It seems apparent to me that you failed to read the entire post here before penning your skepticism about just a part of it – had you read and comprehended that which is written, you would have seen that this post CLEARLY outlines the precise synchronicity to be found in my story –

    In terms of your remark about "convincing skeptics", please rest assured that I, the author of this story, have absolutely NO interest whatsoever in convincing YOU or anyone else of ANYthing, nor is my story told with that intent or interest –

    I wish you peace and enlightenment –

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The story does have a synchronicity, Aleksander, at the end. We're not using UFO stories in the book.

  22. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Perhaps this is only my opinion, but I think that UFOs don't belong here. It's OK for a blog, but it would be too much (synchronicity, UFOs, …) in a book. You can't convivce skeptics that way. I do believe in synchronicity (maybe too much – I see "patterns" where there aren't any) and I even saw with my mother a fireball or something like that when I was 8 or 9 years old, but I just don't believe in UFOs.

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