
Donald Trump-20110621-74

Barring a major loss in the March 15 primaries, it does look as if Trump – sigh –  will be the Republican nominee. None of them are good, but he’s the worst of a rotten crop. In the Super Tuesday primaries – 11 states – he swept 7 states – Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Massachusetts and Vermont. Clinton also won 7 states. So, can Clinton win against Trump? Questionable. This troubling article from The Atlantic explains why.

One of the pundits I like is Cenk Uygur, who wrote an insightful piece about why Bernie Sanders actually won Super Tuesday.   The other reason Sanders was the big winner is because in February alone, he raised more than $42 million from small donors – not super pacs – and $6 million of it was raised on the last day, leap day, February 29. He raised more than everyone else, even Clinton.

But in the end, when all is said and done, how can so many Americans support a man whose platform is based on hatred? Is racism and xenophobia and misogyny still that entrenched in our culture? Well, yes, that appears to be the case if the Republican debate this evening is any indication.

I found it deeply disturbing that so many people in the huge Fox crowd cheered and applauded Trump when he mentioned how he would ratchet up torture, build his fifty-foot wall along the Mexican/U.S. border torture, boost the military, ban Muslims from entering the country, deport 11-12 million illegal immigrants. Really? We’re going to have a parade of buses and motorcades filled with millions of illegals being taken back to Mexico? We’re really going to have a 50-foot wall built along the border that Mexico is going to pay for?

The NY Daily News ran a clever – and horrifying – article about what Trump’s first hundred days in office would be like.

The only thing I like about Trump is that he has sent the establishment of the Republican party into a feeding frenzy that may well result in its collapse. If that happens, there will be no Rest in Peace message from me. My response will be, Good riddance, dudes.

And oh, a rather shallow postscript here. How about if Trump’s wife or one of his ex-wives, find him a new hair stylist?

Another PS, not so shallow. Thanks to super delegates – Democratic politicians who can votes on candidates – Clinton is well ahead of Sanders. This super delegate thing is a rigged system designed to keep out candidates that the establishment doesn’t want. Google it. So much for democracy.

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6 Responses to Sigh

  1. c.j. says:

    One final comment: in my opinion, Trump declares he will “build walls” (not tear them down); break allies and friendships with foreign countries, (not enhance them); destroy health care for the common man, (killing us); on and on and on. WHY can’t ordinary, intelligent people SEE this as the absolute horror that it is? In all honesty, I haven’t a clue at this point for whom I could conscientiously cast my vote, because historically I vote for the person and not for the party, and so far even Sanders hasn’t won me. I may abstain this year, which is against my principles but nevertheless, unless something drastic changes, I may abstain.

  2. DJan says:

    I am horrified at the state of my beloved country and am scared, really scared, about what will happen in November. I am a Bernie supporter but will campaign for Hillary if necessary. What an awful mess! 🙁

  3. c.j. says:

    I re-read my comments and realized how terribly negative they are, and I feel deep sorrow for that negativity. In the midst of the horrors we often see amazingly beautiful
    incidents and events where people come together to assist neighbors and strangers who have lost so much….people who care, people who understand that we ARE our brothers’ Keeper, indeed, and when we allow that element of our essential selves to manifest, then we become the entities I believe our true Souls intend for us to manifest. We OVERcome the plague of darkness that, to use a well-known quote, “comes as a thief in the night to steal” what is most precious and most special about the human Spirit: LOVE. I will never accept that it is too late to pick ourselves up off our knees and be the best that we can be. I have always felt that there is goodness lurking in even the most vile person, and that if can regain our true focus on the purpose toward evolving into that greater state of Being, we can and will rise above this prevailing ailment that has us in its grip. It’s never too late, and we must make choices that allow recovery to occur. Choosing appropriate leadership is one grand step on that path to recovery, in my opinion. It is appalling that a bottom-feeder such
    as Donald Trump and his minions can captivate the minds of millions. It is simply beyond my comprehension.

  4. c.j. says:

    There seems to be a deadly disease raging throughout our entire country. A disease of hatred, of selfishness, of bigotry, of greed….a disease whose symptoms present as children murdering their parents, children carrying assault weapons into schools and opening fire, husbands killing wives, wives killing husbands, gangs killing strangers “just because….”, clergy committing acts of depravity against unsuspecting innocents, terrorists attacks from within and without. I look back over my 74 years in this life and am bewildered. I look back and wonder…..what happened? When did this great country that welcomed the tired and the starving masses yearning to be free go from opening its arms and its bounty, to become a nation filled with such horrors that
    we are no longer safe anywhere, not even in our own homes, or our houses of worship, or our places of learning, or even our places where shopping was once a pleasure and now are malls where violence in an everyday act? This isn’t THE AMERICAN DREAM
    that was originally exactly that. It has become a nightmare. We are supposed to be evolving toward a higher, loving, accepting community of humanity. When and where did we step off that path? I want my grandchildren to be SAFE. To be HAPPY. Safe and happy as I was when I was their age. But if we continue to choose leaders like Donald Trump, who in my opinion in expressing his megalomaniac persona on the Anti-Christ frequency, then we must do everything in our power as individuals to raise our Consciousness in each tiny corner of our individual spaces, or we are doomed. It feels so WRONG to be where we are. Just WRONG. How do we retrieve the beauty, the love, that once enriched this country? I apologize for being on a soapbox today, but simply watching the news on TV or reading the local papers has become painful….
    this disease that is spreading and infecting America…….

  5. Living in the UK, all I’ll say is that the elections are getting a lot of column inches and news time over here – more than they would normally. I see changes in many countries, I guess people are looking for something different. You probably saw that, a while back, the UK Parliament was forced to debate if ‘we’ would actually allow Trump into the country – because of some of his more racist remarks –

  6. lauren raine says:

    Trump perfectly represents the monied interests and corporate greed that is destroying the environment, the middle class, and has ended the experiment of American democracy. That so many Americans are so ignorant, malleable, reactive, and predjudiced as to even consider him as president …….. speaks to the greater tragedy.

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