It’s a sign

A few days ago, we went into Barnes and Noble after eating dinner at a nearby restaurant. While Trish was looking at Dan Brown’s new novel, I picked up a novel under new releases, read the first couple pages, then picked up another and did the same.

In the first novel, Shimmer, by David Morrell, we’re in a chopper with a police pilot who is chasing a pickup truck along a desert highway. In the second novel, THE SIGN, by Raymond Khoury, we’re racing across the desert in a pickup, pursued by a chopper.

What are the chances of that: desert-desert, chopper-chopper, pickup-pickup. Point of view above; point of view below. But if it’s a synchronicity, how is it meaningful?

Maybe because I was reading and editing our synchronicity book for the final time before submitting it, I attracted what I was focused on. Or, more esoterically, there’s the ancient alchemical saying: As above, so below. The macrocosm is the same as the microcosm. Now maybe if I read The Lost Symbol, which Trish did buy, I’ll find out more.
Rob above
Rob below
From the strange but true department (which is most everything we put up):
Now there’s a wine from South Africa called Synchronicity.

This entry was posted in books, dan brown, synchronicity wine, writers. Bookmark the permalink.

17 Responses to It’s a sign

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good for you, Jason. Then when he accepts, you can tell the story about a synchro as confirmation!

  2. jssitzes says:

    Or maybe the meaning was that I was asked if I wanted to invite David Morrell to WRW 2010, and I'd very much considered it, and I just saw his name on your blog while I'm writing up a couple of stories for your blog. 🙂

    Point is, I'm going to invite him now.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Terri – thanks for the offer. But the book's in good shape and will go out to the editor in mid-0ctober.

  4. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    To Toumai: I have visited and read your link. That is exactly how my life looks (including every day in the last two years). A few days ago I sent some messages to Mr. and Mrs. MacGregor (synchronicities and wolves and tigers: this site (the story about Poe and cannibals), the movie Knowing, the movie 21 Grams, the novel Carigradski drum (Road to Constaninople – only in Serbian – coincidences, my name, my mother's name (Vuka – vuk is wolf in Serbian), new synchronicities: the reality show Farm (the host with a tiger printed on his cap and T-shirt, the dog Vukica (dimininutive of she-wolf)), Patrick Swayze (his publicist Annette Wolf, the movie Tiger Warsaw)).

  5. sdnil427 says:

    As Above, So Below is prominently featured in The Lost Symbol too. freaky! Maybe it's telling you to read Dan Brown's new book?

  6. terripatrick says:

    The final edits, cool. I want to see it. Is it enough? Is it a book? Is it global?

    I've been so impressed with the potential for this book since I learned about its initiation that I want it in my hands – even before it goes to press. I so – do not – want this to be another one of those "weird books" on the Bargain shelves.

    As I've recently received, an amazing overview of a whole book, with tons of blood on the pages – can I do this for you?
    A reader review before…

    Does it have "lasting power"? 5 years from now? Will it reach the audience that will benefit the most? Mainly, those in their 20's, 30's… The new generation that will really make a difference.

    Happy to help, let me know.

  7. Sansego says:

    That reminds me of the "Gift of the Magi" story! I love it. I'm also pleased to see that someone else wanted to buy both Dan Brown's new novel and Ted Kennedy's memoirs. Since I'm in a financial crisis, I could not buy both books on the same paycheck and had to choose one or the other. I can't wait until my next payday so I can buy Kennedy's book and read it.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Nevine. We've done that, but one book, not two!

  9. Nevine says:

    Well, let me tell you about my little experience, last weekend. While you were at Barnes and Noble, I was at Borders. I'd just finished with an appointment at my hair salon and was at Borders, really, to pick up my husband, who was waiting for me there. Well, I didn't find him, and I figured he'd walked to his favorite cigar shop around the corner. So, I wanted to see what was new at Borders, and I saw that "The Lost Symbol" was available, as was Ted Kennedy's "True Compass". I knew my husband had talked about Kennedy's book, so I picked it up for him, and "The Lost Symbol" for myself. Then, I walked to the cigar shop to find my husband. There he was, with his cigar in his hand, smiling at me as I walked in the door. And he said to me, "Check out what I got at Borders. I got 'The Lost Symbol' for you, and 'True Compass' for me."

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    If you haven't read Katherine Neville, try THE EIGHT. THE FIRE is the sequel. Both deal with a historic and mystical jewel-encrusted chess set. Her other books, IMO, are overly complex and virtually incomprehensible.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i know brown is a storytelling magician, rob – i cannot tell you how many times i've pulled into a shopping center on the way home from work just to read his stuff cause i couldn't wait till i got home! i've not read neville yet – anyway, i know symbol is fantastic so it is on my next list –

  12. Toumai says:

    Dan Brown has his new book out… I'm off to town!!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy…no, didn't buy The Sign, even tho we seem to be promoting it here. So I can't sasy anything one way or another about the book. Right now I'm reading THE FIRE, by Katherine Neville, then The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown. Those two are storytelling magicians. – Rob

  14. Toumai says:

    thanks for dropping by and your comment (weird is right!!)

    Also the timing becomes even more interesting in that The Coast will be covering my story next week (as much as what can be squeezed into 3,000 words that is). They also plan a sidebar to present my hypothesis re: conjoined twins, root language and synchronicity.

    (Do note that those are bullets of sweat running down my face… well, mixed with a few tears of another sort of relief ;-)(-;

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    all of the above/below prompted me to read a bit on the subject – the emerald tablet, hermes trismegistus, mari, etc, – very stimulating – thanks so much for opening still another door to more…

  16. Toumai says:

    An incident happened to me recently which seems similar in some respect, involving two different newspapers (its a real gas!!). I posted the story three days ago

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a fascinating see-saw – literally – and the synchronicity wine – just reading the little intro on their site and i'm ready to order a case! oh, and did you grab a copy of the sign?

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