

Back in the 1980s, Rob and I read a series of books by former journalist Ruth Montgomery. Strangers Among Us, about walk-ins, is one of her most compelling books.

From what I recall of the book, a walk-in is a discarnate consciousness, a soul, that “walks into” the body of a living person rather than going through the entire, lengthy birth and growth process. This is usually done with the unconscious consent of the living individual. The walk-in usually brings his or her own memories into the awareness of the living person.

You don’t hear much about walk-ins anymore. But CJ, one of the women who comments on our blog and has contributed a great deal of information over the years, believed at one time that she was a walk-in for a woman who had died in Chernobykl in 1986. In recent years, we haven’t heard much from CJ about this and haven’t heard from anyone else about walk-ins, until today.

Poet Sharlie West wrote today, thanking us for using her poem in the ghost ship Caleuche story  and then related a weird sequence of events she experienced about walk-ins:


“I was glad to see my poem this morning on your blog. Even if the inhabitants of the island are collectively imagining the ship, I would question why? How did it start? Something was going on for a long period. So interesting.

“About Ruth Montgomery. In the 1980s, about 1985, I was sitting by the kitchen table and read about a Psychic Fair at PG Plaza (Prince George’s Plaza). It was around Halloween, raining out, and I announced “I have to go there, right now.” I got up from the table, got in the car, and zoomed over to the plaza and literally bumped into a woman near the tables psychics had set up. An electric current went between us.

“She announced, ‘You’re a walk-in’, and proceeded to tell me her name; she was from Cassadaga. Well, the whole thing made me skeptical, and I ran from it. About a week later, my friend Josie dropped by with her boyfriend, who sat down next to me and within minutes told me I was a walk-in like his friend Ed Hager (I believe) .I went downtown DC to Yes bookstore, walked in and the owner welcomed me, “we were hoping you would join us. You’re a walk-in aren’t you?”

“I was so overwhelmed. Didn’t know what they were talking about. And so I read Ruth Montgomery’s books and any other information I could find. And I still don’t know why they were all telling me that or how that’s even possible. (I suppose I could be in denial.)

“But why the cluster?  “Certainly the world is not the simplistic place most people would like it to be. There are many layers, shadow worlds, that we can only occasionally glimpse. Synchronicity helps us understand the layers. Our minds are not bound by boundaries. The sleep state is probably closer to reality than waking is. There we can go effortlessly through boundaries.”


The synchronicity of her email for me is that I was writing the introduction to a proposal on spirit contact, which is what Cassadaga is all abut, and have found that whenever I have written about this place – a blog post, something in a book- other people come along and mention the town. Yet, the few times I’ve taken informal surveys among long-time Florida resents about what they know of Cassadaga, most of them have never even heard of it, the oldest Spiritualist community in the south. If you’re looking for a psychic reading, this is the place to go.

The first question I usually get when I mention Cassadaga is, “What’s that?” Once I explain what Cassadaga is, the responses go in one of two directions: “Oh (snicker, snicker) psychics are scams,” or “Wow, where IS this place?”

Maybe, in the end, Ruth Montgomery was right, that there are walk-ins among us, a walk-in within you or me who is helping to change the paradigm from the inside out. Or maybe it’s all just another New Age BS story. Or, even stranger, supposed it is part of the new, emerging paradigm?


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14 Responses to Walk-Ins?

  1. Ray Getzinger says:

    Very interesting post. When I read it you mentioned the ghost ship near Chiloe. When my ship traversed the Chilean Intracoastal Waterway we saw a ship that had run aground that appeared to have been there for years. It was foggy giving it an eery appearance. It was close enough I could have hit it with a baseball. Then when I read your description of Caleuche I saw it in my imagination as I did yesterday when I read this blog. More interesting is that I like the show The Glades. I watch it on Netflix. I haven’t watched for more than a month. Today I watched two episodes. The title of the second episode was Cassadaga. It was a fictional account of a mystery that took place there.

  2. Lurence Zankowski says:

    Actually if you have been involved with the old mystery schools ( european based, but one i was associated here in the USA ) you’ll find they teach a soul transferral technique.
    I am using the term as a made up one by me.
    If you can find an unaltered version of this book” Brother from the Third Degree” , it is used in some parts of the book. Usually to teach someone to behave.
    Unaltered vs corrected:
    The reason is you want the mispelled words of the original manuscript. It will give you a few things to put into your daydream space.

    We really are not permanently attached to our physical body. We, humans, maybe others, are capable many wonderous things.

  3. c.j. says:

    One of the most strange and even frightening incidents occurred not too long after I became well. I was struggling with the Walk-In issue, trying to find acceptable alternative explanations for my total transformation. My husband and I decided to drive up to see his family in the N. GA mountains, and on the way, we thought it would be fun to drive through the country outside of Atlanta and look at the home we had built and enjoyed so much before re-locating here.

    I intuitively “knew” that I had absolutely LOVED our home, and especially the several flower gardens that I had created there. I was in for the shock of my life, to that point. I HAD NEVER BEEN ON THAT ROAD IN MY LIFE. I DID NOT RECOGNIZE ANYTHING. I HAD NEVER SEEN THAT HOUSE, OR SEEN THAT YARD, OR SEEN THOSE GARDENS. They might as well have been on a different planet in terms of their unfamiliarity to me.

    I was both stunned and actually terrified, seriously wondering if had lost my mind or if I was suffering from some kind of mental malady. I didn’t say anything to my husband or our sons. But I was shaken to the bone. That night we spent in a motel in Mountain City, GA, and I silently prayed, begged for ANSWERS. The next morning we drove across the mountain into Franklin, where I found a wonderful book store in the middle of that small city. It was not a “chain” bookstore, but was quite large. The front area was all new books of every descriptions, then you could walk through an opening into another very big room that had shelf upon shelf of used books, including a vast selection of paranormal and metaphysical tomes. Naturally that is where I stood, reading the titles. I was alone in that part of the store. No one else was in the used section but me. I wasn’t touching anything.

    Suddenly a book fell off one of the shelves and landed on my foot. I swear, I am NOT making this up! I picked up the book. It’s title was WALK-IN, the author had a single name, JUELLE. Good thing no one had their eyes on me, because I probably turned white as a sheet. Of course I took the book to the counter to purchase it, and the clerk/owner said, “Oh Darn! That book came in just this morning and I was going to take it home with me tonight!” Cross my heart!!! I apologized to her and said I was sorry, but that I just HAD to read that book! Brought it home….and after reading it, began a correspondence with Juelle. From there, other incidents and experiences began to fall into place, and I could no longer convince myself as a certainty that I was not a Walk-In! But there were many surprises waiting…….

  4. Jane Clifford says:

    There is a famous walk in called William Linsville, internationally known speaker/ healer. He took over the body of a guy dying on an operating table, was in a wheel chair healed himself. He is rather extraordinary, check him out on YouTube or google

  5. Shadow says:

    I must admit, this is new to me. Very interesting.

  6. c.j. says:

    P.S.The “memory business” in the Walk-In phenomenon is very odd. I have the memories of the alien abductions since age 4; I have the poignant memories of my Dad’s illness and death….however, my Dad is uniquely connected to the UFO experiences in my life. I have virtually no memories of my Mother, and I should have those. I cannot bring up ANY memory at all, NONE, of our road drive from California to Chicago for his cobalt treatments. I have vague memories of being in the penthouse there. I cannot recall a single moment of the road drive from Chicago down to Atlanta. I was 17 years old and this was a part of the most life-altering experience in this lifetime for the person I refer to as Connie One.

    I should have SOME at least TINY memory of those trips, but I do not. There are gigantic black holes in my memories. The thing is, when Duke University was investing in a paranormal laboratory to decide whether or not to add a School of Parapsychology to their curriculum, I was among the psi people tested. (So was Debra Page. The Lab was most active between 1954 until it shut down in 1985.) In addition to testing psi abilities, they did a lot of psychological procedures, In one of them, they informed me that I had an eidetic (photographic) memory, which I DID have. I no longer have that. I was 50 years old when the apparent soul exchange occurred.

    I’m still not 100% convinced that I am a Walk-In, although it is close to impossible to deny it. I think there could be alternate explanations. For instance, maybe during the illness my soul shifted from a specific karmic plan to another one. Or perhaps I have a parallel life with Ahna. I just don’t know. My smidgen of doubt comes from my ideas that a Walk-In would have a very specific reason or reasons to replace the original soul, and/or the original soul had finished its work and was ready to leave but the physical body was perfectly capable of supporting life….animated by different soul.

    There were certainly events happening within my life….serious situations in my marriage….. at the time with which I felt I could not cope, yet could not change. So Connie One may have wanted to leave and allow another soul, pre-determined before birth, to finish the life. Heavy-duty hypothesis, Walk-Ins.

  7. c.j. says:

    I will send you, via USPO, several letters written after my experience. I do want to say here that I DID NOT ACCEPT THE CONCEPT OF WALK-INS, period, after reading Montgomery’s books. I rejected the entire concept as pure hooey. I exchanged letters with Ruth Montgomery about her hypothesis which she presented in her texts as fact. It wasn’t until my profound experience that I realized SOMETHING absolutely enigmatic had happened to me when I was close to death with a fever of 105 degrees, in 1992.

    As my body lay inert in the bed, there was a man and a woman standing beside the bed talking to me. This was not a dream or a fever hallucination. I actually SAW my etheric energy- body separate from my physical body, stepped to stand beside the man, and watched the etheric energy body of the woman standing there MOVE INTO my physical body. It alarmed me, until the man, who was obviously a Spirit Teacher, told me, “Connie, it’s OK. There’s nothing to fear. ALL IS WELL”. The soul that was the original Connie left, and the Walk-In began my on-going life here. Sounds preposterous. Ultimately as I recovered from the unidentified ailment, although the physicians tentatively diagnosed it as LEUKEMIA, ( it wasn’t, but the symptoms were of that cancer), I immediately recognized that I was NOT the person I had been. The changes were enormous and evident in virtually each aspect of my life. Everything changed. I learned that I had died in a village near Chernobyl….the cause of my death was…..leukemia. My name had been Ahna Barahnovski. I had developed leukemia from the radiation released during the nuclear accident, and I worked in a laboratory located in a small village downwind of the radioactive fall-out. My death came swiftly. I had been a geophysicist.

    One of the astonishing things about this experience is that prior to it, I knew nothing whatsoever about geophysics. Nothing. After the exchange, I was and am an expert in that field. That is also when my Planetary Empath symptoms kicked in. (Imagine THAT!!!!!) I shut the door on quite a few friends because I no longer had anything in common with them. My interactions with my husband and sons were different, and THEY were aware that “something massive happened” while I was sick. My tastes and preferences in virtually everything were different, and there were aspects of my personality that were extremely puzzling. Some of the changes were insignificant, such as my having been born with flaming red-hair, and the first thing I did when I was able was to color my hair, going from the bright Irish red to a natural neutral light brown, and have been that since.

    I retained some memories of my previous life….the ones that were most life-altering, such as the illness and death of my Dad and oddly, I continued to be an alien abductee. But I was no longer able to deny that Walk-Ins were real. However, I didn’t want to share that with ANYBODY, so I stayed in the closet with it except for talking about it with a very select few. So many questions, so few answers. There could be other explanations. I’ll send you the letters…..

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