The Office of Alien Property


In recent years there has been repeated calls for the U.S. government to release all of its files on UFOs. There was even a conference in Washington D.C. a few years ago that focused on disclosure, the term associated with the government coming clean on what it knows.

Since UFOs are supposedly vessels under the control of alien beings, the crafts would be considered alien property. Right? Okay, that said, I have uncovered the records of the U.S. government’s Office of Alien Property. I am now going to release these records. Ta da.

Take a look right here.

You can see that that office was created in 1917 and disbanded in 1966, just as the famed Project Blue Book was preparing for termination. Coincidence?

Unfortunately, if we look close, there are no UFOs or even alien apparel listed in these files. It seems instead we’ve stumbled upon an office that confiscated property of people who were not American citizens and suspected of being enemies. I can imagine that under a President Trump’s administration this office might be reopened and people associated with certain ‘suspicious’ races and religions that don’t please the commander in chief could lose their property.

I find that scary and not exactly constitutional. Therefore, I propose that the U.S. Congress pass a law that says “From this day forward, in the event that the Office of Alien Property is re-opened, its duties will be limited to confiscating property left behind by space aliens – be they visitors, brothers, friends or enemies.”

Can we all agree?


Ironically, I first learned about the Office of Alien Property from a book called UFO HUNTERS, by William J. Birnes. He noted on page 40 that upon the death of Nicola Tesla, the Office of Alien Property seized his files, including his notes on anti-gravity. Oddly, Birnes overlooked the obvious irony.  Hello, Bill, there’s something at least semi-amusing about the name of that office. But he played it straight and humorless.



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One Response to The Office of Alien Property

  1. c.j. says:

    Definitely agree. Although…instead of Office of Alien Property, I might re-name it Office of Other-Dimensional Entities Property, considering that we aren’t certain if the
    UFO aliens originate in space, from a different star or planet, or from a different or parallel dimension! 🙂 Sometimes I tend to think certain ones may arrive here from different dimensions as opposed to our 3rd dimension one. Either way, it will be interesting to see if the new president will open that can of worms! The movie Independence Day may have hit the nail on the head about the President actually having no access to the information, as Bill Pullman in the movie was told that his not being informed was for “deniability”. Such a crock….

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