The Butterfly Project



Adele Aldridge sent us this synchro. It’s compelling in that it illustrates how synchronicity often works with creative endeavors and how the Internet facilitates that connection.

One day on Facebook, someone had shared the above image on my page – a woman with butterflies flying out of her head, the image at the top of the post. For Adele, it was a synchronicity. I didn’t understand why until she sent us two origami butterflies. Here’s one of them:


I thanked her and here was her response, addressing why it was a synchro for her.


“My sudden obsession with butterflies, all things considered with other nagging unfinished projects, had me questioning my sanity – UNTIL – the next morning I saw that beautiful image of the woman with the butterflies flying out of her head. I knew that was me. I took it as an affirmation not to doubt.

“My butterfly project, like the peace bird project is a weird thing to do – spending time on stuff to mail and give away with no hint of where it comes from. No signature. I never put a return address on any of those free mailer envelopes. Nor do I have a clue who opens them. Still – I love doing it.  Maybe I should change my name to Banska!”

This particular origami has an awesome history and mission – it’s part of a project of the Holocaust Museum Houston to remember the 1.5 million children who were killed in the Holocaust. In 1996, the butterfly inspired staff and supporters of the museum and they launched The Butterfly Project, designed to connect a new generation of children to the children who had perished in the Holocaust.

As it caught on in classrooms and with teachers and students, butterflies began arriving at the museum from all over the world. One butterfly even arrived from space, when American astronaut Rex Walheim participated in the project in July 2011, while he was aboard the final mission of Space Shuttle Atlantis.

Butterflies are about transformation.


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5 Responses to The Butterfly Project

  1. lauren raine says:

    Butterflies are about transformation……..and they are also pollinators, which is the capacity to affect transformation into the future. I love the Hopi concept of the “Butterfly Woman” and butterfly dance, which is always performed by an old woman, because the business of pollinating the future must be done by those with experience and wisdom.

    Dr. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross visited the Maidenek concentration camp in 1946. When she got to the children’s barracks, it was particularly sorrowful, with toys and shoes strewn about, but there was something else, too. The walls were covered with hundreds of butterflies, scratched and etched with fingernails and pebbles. She said it took her 25 years of working with dying patients to fully understand what this meant.
    The children knew they were going to die and were leaving a message of hope; their bodies might not make it, but the butterflies represented their immortal souls. They would live on in a different form.

  2. Jane Clifford says:

    I sent the image to,you by messenger & here’s the synchro for me. Just saw your post immediatly after telling a friend on the phone that when my grandchildren arrived even before they got in the front door they were spellbound by about 30 butterflies on my budlia tree & began photographing them. Next thing I see is this post!

  3. Trish – I still flip out when I see that gif animation of the butterflies coming out of the woman’s head. I’m working on several more butterfly projects which I will eventually show you. Meanwhile the I Ching is the boss of all these diversions. LOL.

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