Trump from the past


I was looking for an old Indiana Jones contract deep in my closet and this scrap of paper fell out of a file folder. It’s from the August 12, 1990 issue of Tropic Magazine, which was the Sunday magazine of the Miami Herald in the old days.

I have no idea why I tore this out since there’s nothing on either side that I can relate to – except this little tidbit about Donald Trump. Apparently, the writer was referring to a review of Trump’s book – The Art of the Deal.

What I can read says: …book’s title is all wrong. Some critics,” writes New York Magazine scribe Edwin Diamond, “suggest the book should be called Trump: F—ing up at the Top because he violates every one of his own rules.”

A prescient message from the past.



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2 Responses to Trump from the past

  1. This post is a teeny tiny shychro for me. August 12th is my birthday and in 1990 I was living on a houseboat in Sausalito, CA. Heaven exists.

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